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Ecologic Newsletter No 167 – August 2016



  1. Smarter, Greener, More Inclusive? – Publication
  2. Citizens and Experts Jointly Develop River Basin Adaptation Plans – Publication
  3. Gardening: A Joy or Frustration? - Practical Tips for Protecting Your Plants – Publication
  4. Unlocking the Potential for Improved Energy Efficiency Policies – Publication
  5. An Expanded Arctic Summer College 2016 – Event
  6. Policy Mixes for Decoupling Growth from Resource Use and Environmental Impact – DYNAMIX Policy Brief
  7. City in the Climate Change - Deluge Ahead of Us – Event
  8. Low-Carbon Urban Development in China – Publication
  9. Implementing the EU Adaptation Strategy - Practical Insights and Policy Recommendations – BASE-Workshop
  10. Shaping the Scottish Bioeconomy Together – BioSTEP Policy Workshop
  1. Smarter, Greener, More Inclusive? – Publication

    The Europe 2020 strategy is the EU's strategy for creating smart, sustainable and inclusive growth since 2010. In this strategy, the European Union has set five ambitious objectives - on employment, innovation, education, social inclusion and climate/energy - to be met by 2020. Each Member State adopted its own national targets for each of these areas. Concrete actions at EU and national levels underpin the strategy. Andreas Prahl and Katharina Umpfenbach (Ecologic Institute) authored chapter 3 on climate change and energy where the recent development of key indicators in the field of climate change and energy, including data on greenhouse gas emissions, renewable energy and energy efficiency, is analysed. The publication is available for download.

  2. Citizens and Experts Jointly Develop River Basin Adaptation Plans – Publication

    Citizens from around the Mediterranean participated in adaptation planning for the management of their local river basins. Based on a novel approach developed over the course of the EU-funded BeWater project, stakeholders from four case study river basins were engaged in a collaborative process with experts and policy makers to draft River Basin Adaptation Plans. Ecologic Institute was also part of this collaboration.

  3. Gardening: A Joy or Frustration? - Practical Tips for Protecting Your Plants – Publication

    Gardening is a pleasure and a joy. Or, at least, as long as everything goes according to plan. When the roses are infested with vine lice and the tomatoes rot, gardening can quickly become a bitter battle against pests and disease. The Ecologic Institute co-ordinated the development of this guidebook in a project for the German Federal Environment Agency. In the brochure, you will find a summary of many practical tips on how to protect your plants in an environmentally friendly way. The brochure is available for download.

  4. Unlocking the Potential for Improved Energy Efficiency Policies – Publication

    What can we learn from European best practices on the existing Monitoring & Verification schemes and coordination mechanisms in Europe? Can bottom-up methodologies contribute to a more reliable measurement and verification process? The first two policy briefs produced by the multEE project feature a set of policy recommendations, six on M&V schemes and five on coordination mechanisms, aimed at policy makers at different policy levels engaged in the development of effective and coherent energy efficiency policies. The recommendations reflect the conclusions from a broader "Synthesis report on European best practices for M&V schemes and coordination mechanisms" that, based on an initial mapping of existing M&V schemes and coordination mechanisms across Europe, identifies and analyses a vast array of Best Practice cases on M&V schemes and coordination models. The recommendations are available for download.

  5. An Expanded Arctic Summer College 2016 – Event

    As the Arctic Summer College (ASC) approaches the end of its 6th year, it reflects just how far the program has come since its first class in 2011. The program has retained its core commitment of furthering multidisciplinary learning on a variety of Arctic issues by engaging with experts and exchanging views against a backdrop of a lively learning environment. This year’s one-of-a-kind eight-week international virtual campus covered topics including shipping and marine governance, energy, environmental impact assessments, science, security, and indigenous communities in the Arctic. The 2016 Arctic Summer College witnessed a major expansion that has further augmented its vision of preparing Arctic leaders to best preserve biodiversity and ecosystem health in the Arctic while building a unique Arctic network. Be sure to listen to the webinars from this year on the ASC Website.

  6. Policy Mixes for Decoupling Growth from Resource Use and Environmental Impact – DYNAMIX Policy Brief

    As part of the DYNAMIX project, three policy reports that synthesised the assessments of three policy mixes were published by Ecologic researchers in order to support the pathway to absolute decoupling in the EU. These policy mixes were designed to specifically address the use of virgin metals, the use of arable land and freshwater, the input of the nutrients nitrogen and phosphorus and emissions of greenhouse gases. All policy briefs are available for download.

  7. City in the Climate Change - Deluge Ahead of Us – Event

    The conference "City in the Climate Change - deluge ahead of us" on prevention, adaptation and management of heavy rain falls took place in Münster on 7 April 2016. The conference brought together 180 participants from management, policy, science, consultancy and practice and was organized by the Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Agriculture, Conservation and Consumer Protection of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (MKULNV) and the Ministry for Economic Affairs, Energy, Building, Housing and Transport of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (MBWSV) with the objective to provide a platform for dialogue and exchange between the participants. Ecologic Institute supported with the logistical and content-related preparation and implementation of the event.

  8. Low-Carbon Urban Development in China – Publication

    The European research project "POCACITO – Post-Carbon Cities of Tomorrow", led by Ecologic Institute, supports European cities to turn post-carbon by 2050. As part of the project a Policy Brief on initiatives and plans for post-fossil city development was published. Examples from Guangyuan (a partner city in POCACITO) and other places show recent activities. The policy brief is available for download.

  9. Implementing the EU Adaptation Strategy - Practical Insights and Policy Recommendations – BASE-Workshop

    Concluding four years of interdisciplinary collaboration and research the BASE project brought together representatives working on climate adaptation policy at EU and Member State level, as well as local practitioners for an interactive day on climate change adaptation in Brussels. The main focus of the workshop was a series of policy observations that emerged from research in the BASE project. As a result another policy recommendation was developed which is available for download.

  10. Shaping the Scottish Bioeconomy Together – BioSTEP Policy Workshop

    This BioSTEP policy workshop focuses on local and regional businesses and their role in the regional bioeconomy. It explores a broader model of the bioeconomy (bottom-up, participatory) and discusses how small and medium-sized enterprises, civil-society organisations and further relevant actors can be engaged in the (further) development of a regional bioeconomy strategy in Scotland. The registration is now open.

Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
Person in charge: Dr. Camilla Bausch, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
ISSN: 1613-1363

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