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Ecologic Newsletter No. 163 – April 2016



  1. Proposals for Reforming the EU Effort Sharing Decision – Publication
  2. Wildlife Crime – Publication
  3. Wildlife Crime – Presentation
  4. Conclusions and Recommendations on Fighting Environmental Crime More Effectively – Publication
  5. Environmental Crime and the EU – Publication
  6. Recommendations for Germany's updated Adaptation Action Plan (APA II) – Publication
  7. Engaging Citizens in Adaptive River Basin Management in the Mediterranean – Workshops
  8. Evaluation of the Implementation of the EU-Auction-Process from an Economic Perspective – Publication
  9. Emissions Trading Systems and Developing Countries – Webinar
  10. Climate Change, Coastal Protection and Seaside Holidays with Grandma – News
  1. Proposals for Reforming the EU Effort Sharing Decision – Publication

    A new report by the Ecologic Institute makes concrete proposals for reforming the EU Effort Sharing Decision (ESD). A reduction target for 2050 as well as a robust review and target adjustment mechanism are highlighted as the main reform proposals. The report also touches on proposals for enhancing the flexibility of the ESD. The report is available for download.

  2. Wildlife Crime – Publication

    In the context of preparing an EU Action Plan against Wildlife Trafficking, the European Parliament commissioned a study to analyze wildlife crime in the EU, in particular the level and quality of enforcement in Member States. This study was compiled by a consortium led by Ecologic Institute. The study provided numerous insights on how to enhance the fight against wildlife crime. First, a higher priority should be placed on combating wildlife crime at the political level in addition to the measures taken by enforcement bodies. Secondly, Member States should provide for the specialization of enforcement staff and units. Finally, the report highlights the need for improved data collection, better cooperation and more demand reduction measures. The study was published on the European Parliament website in March 2016 and is available for download.

  3. Wildlife Crime – Presentation

    On 19 April 2016, Stephan Sina und Christiane Gerstetter, Senior Fellows at Ecologic Institute, presented the study on wildlife crime to the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) of the European Parliament in Brussels (Belgium). The presentation slides are available for download.

  4. Conclusions and Recommendations on Fighting Environmental Crime More Effectively – Publication

    A new report presents the conclusions and policy recommendations of the EU-funded research project, "European Union Action to Fight Environmental Crime" (EFFACE). The report includes recommendations for action to better combat environmental crime at the EU and Member State level, distinguishing between core and supplementary recommendations. In addition to these recommendations, questions for further research are identified. The report is available for download.

  5. Environmental Crime and the EU – Publication

    The final synthesis of the 40 month long EFFACE research project is now available. The report is addressed at decision-makers and presents core findings from the EFFACE project in an accessible language. The final synthesis is available for download.

  6. Recommendations for Germany's updated Adaptation Action Plan (APA II) – Publication

    The project, "Policy Mix for an Updated Adaptation Action Plan," aimed at developing science-based recommendations for the update to the Adaptation Action Plan of the German Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change. The focus was on the compilation and evaluation of potential adaptation measures and political instruments to further their implementation. The final report of this project is available for download.

  7. Engaging Citizens in Adaptive River Basin Management in the Mediterranean – Workshops

    Climate change and other pressures are impacting the environment and water resources in the Mediterranean, requiring plans for how to adapt the management of affected river basins and their water resources to changing future conditions. To address this challenge, a series of workshops organized by Ecologic Institute and local case study partners (CREAF, CyI, INRGREF and IzVRS) were held in March and April 2016 across the Mediterranean as part of the EU-funded BeWater project to gain stakeholder input for further developing tailored river basin adaptation plans.

  8. Evaluation of the Implementation of the EU-Auction-Process from an Economic Perspective – Publication

    In this report by Ecologic Institute, the authors analyze the conditions for accessing the main European trading centers for emission allowances. The authors examine possible interactions between the primary and secondary markets and question whether a relationship between the price developments on the primary and the secondary market exists. The comprehensive empirical survey also represents the acquisition channels of German plant operators in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU-ETS). The report is available for download.

  9. Emissions Trading Systems and Developing Countries – Webinar

    In the third installment of the webinar series accompanying Ecologic Institute's ETS e-learning program, moderated by Elizabeth Zelljadt, expert guest speaker Duan Maosheng (Tsinghua University) commented on China's pilot carbon markets and experiences in becoming ETS "market ready." He provided unique examples of capacity gaps that were overcome and others that remain a challenge, shedding light on China's plans for a nationwide ETS to begin in 2017. The webinar is available online.

  10. Climate Change, Coastal Protection and Seaside Holidays with Grandma – News

    What could be better than linking fun pastimes—like swimming in the Baltic Sea—with curricular activities? As part of the "Year of Science 2016/17 Seas and Oceans" students, Johanna Gronewald, Kira Paprotka and Bleona Veselaj, from the Rheingau-Gymnasium secondary school in Berlin discussed adaptation strategies to deal with climate change effects at the German Baltic Sea with Dr. Grit Martinez from Ecologic Institute.

Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
Person in charge: Dr. Camilla Bausch, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
ISSN: 1613-1363

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