Green Investment – Market Transparency and Consumer Information
- Publication
- Citation
1998: Proceedings of the International Workshop: "Green Investment – Market Transparency and Consumer Information". 7 October 1998, Berlin.
Consumers can choose between more than 70 green funds on the European market and the number is continuously raising. Differences between the various environmental funds are remarkable. Criteria in selecting asset opportunities vary widely as do the structure and processes of the fund management. For the potential investor these differences are difficult to identify.
To gain insights on this issue a workshop was conducted on 7 October 1998 in Berlin. The aim of the workshop was to answer to what extent market transparency of the green investment market is at risk and how to cope with that problem. To this purpose the workshop has discussed in separate sessions the following topics:
- Environmental Funds and Market Development
- Problems of Market Transparency
- The Role of Consumer Information Instruments
- The Case of Labelling
Participants at the Workshop were 11 experts from different European countries. The report includes the papers presented by them and a résumé paper to the workshop.