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Ecologic Newsletter No 160 – January 2016



  1. Auctioning of Annual Emission Allocations – Publication
  2. Evaluating 15 Years of Transport and Environmental Policy Integration – Publication
  3. German Participatory Forum on Fish Protection and Downstream Migration – Publication
  4. Evaluation of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Threats and Opportunities Associated with EU Efforts to Combat Environmental Crime – Publication
  5. Further Development of Material and Raw Material Input Indicators – Publication
  6. Producing Bio-Ethanol from Residues and Wastes – Publication
  7. Land Degradation Neutrality under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – Publication
  8. Decarbonisation Dynamics after the Paris Climate Summit – Dinner Dialogue
  9. After Paris: Implications of the Paris Agreement for EU Climate Policy – 5th POLIMP Webinar
  1. Auctioning of Annual Emission Allocations – Publication

    In October 2014 the European Council decided to enhance the availability and use of existing flexibility instruments under the EU Effort Sharing Decision. The auctioning of Annual Emission Allocations (AEAs) is one option to enhance flexibility. A new Ecologic paper discusses advantages and challenges of AEA auctioning. The paper is available for download.

  2. Evaluating 15 Years of Transport and Environmental Policy Integration – Publication

    Since 2000 the Transport and Environment Reporting Mechanism (TERM) has monitored the progress of the integration of environmental objectives into transport policy in the EU. The TERM 2015 report investigates key developments in the transport sector with regards to environment, identifying what has improved and what has been a barrier to the sector's environmental performance. Ecologic Institute contributed to the TERM 2015 report with a chapter on transport and biodiversity. The full report is available for download.

  3. German Participatory Forum on Fish Protection and Downstream Migration – Publication

    The German Federal Agency of Environment (UBA) published a synthesis report. The report summarizes major findings of the research and discussions undertaken in the German Forum on Fish Protection and Downstream Fish Migration in which the Ecologic Institute played a major role. The report highlights remaining research and development needs that require further investigation and discussion. It is available for download.

  4. Evaluation of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Threats and Opportunities Associated with EU Efforts to Combat Environmental Crime – Publication

    One of the main outcomes of the EU-funded FP7 project "European Union Action to Fight Environmental Crime" (EFFACE) is the report 'Evaluation of the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities (SWOT) associated with EU efforts to combat environmental crime'. This SWOT analysis brings together insights gained during the previous EFFACE research and evaluates the current approaches of the EU and its Member States in combating environmental crime. The analysis is available for download.

  5. Further Development of Material and Raw Material Input Indicators – Publication

    Measuring and monitoring as well as communicating on progress in the context of European and national resource policy (in particular ProgRess) requires comprehensive and robust material input and consumption indicators. Several different methods have already been developed that quantify direct and indirect (material extractions in export countries needed to produce imported goods) material flows. However, the different methods used for and the data basis underlying the indicator calculations lack harmonization, which renders the calculation results less comparable and less robust. The report is available for download.

  6. Producing Bio-Ethanol from Residues and Wastes – Publication

    Waste-based bio-ethanol has the potential to both fight climate change and reduce land competition. However, in order to unlock its potential, support for research and development, as well as an enabling political framework, are needed. In this policy brief, Ecologic Institute's Dr. Martin Hirschnitz-Garbers and Jorrit Gosens explain the technology's need of further research and development. The policy brief is available for download.

  7. Land Degradation Neutrality under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – Publication

    The article "Land degradation neutrality under the SDGs: National and international implementation of the land degradation neutral world target" by Elizabeth Dooley, Ennid Roberts and Stephanie Wunder explores how the current momentum in international soil policy can be used to promote sustainable land use and reduce land degradation, particularly through the SDG process and using UN Conventions. It puts a special emphasis on the opportunities and challenges of the concept of "land degradation neutrality."

  8. Decarbonisation Dynamics after the Paris Climate Summit – Dinner Dialogue

    On 13 January 2016, Ecologic Institute hosted a Dinner Dialogue on the future of the oil industry featuring guest speakers Amory B. Lovins (Co-founder and CEO of the Rocky Mountain Institute) and Dr. Karsten Sach (Germany's Chief Climate Negotiator). The event was moderated by Ecologic Institute's Director, Dr. Camilla Bausch. During the event participants discussed the potential impact of disruptive competitors to oil markets such as energy efficiency and renewable energy on the future of the oil industry. An exclusive ELEEP interview held with Amory Lovins is available online.

  9. After Paris: Implications of the Paris Agreement for EU Climate Policy – 5th POLIMP Webinar

    We are excited to announce the fifth webinar in our POLIMP Webinar Series, which will feature a discussion on the topic, "After Paris: Implications of the Paris Agreement for EU climate policy," moderated by Ecologic Institute's Head of Climate, Matthias Duwe. The webinar will take place on Tuesday, 26 January 2016 from 10:30-11:30 CET and will feature two main speakers: Dr. Camilla Bausch, Director, Ecologic Institute, and Andrzej Blachowicz, Managing Director, Climate Strategies.

Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
Person in charge: Dr. Camilla Bausch, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
ISSN: 1613-1363

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