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Public Procurement and Forest Certification

Public Procurement and Forest Certification

Public Procurement and Forest Certification


The project aims to support the implementation of third party certification schemes, such as FSC, in the context of public procurement. As several  EU Member States are planning to develop  public procurement programmes to encourage sustainable forest management, it is timely to undertake thorough analysis of the linkages between public procurement and forest certification.

This analysis will assess:

  • possible contributions of public procurement programmes to sustainable forest management,
  • practical obstacles to making such procurement programmes fully effective,
  • legal and policy obstacles and opportunities for making such procurement programmes fully effective (e.g. international trade rules, European and national procurement laws, national forest programmes, etc.),
  • implications of such programmes for exporters, particularly from developing countries.

The project will be concluded by a workshop. The results of the workshop will feed into the project's final report. This report will be published to serve as a reference document for the future discussion.

The workshop "Public Procurement and Forest Certification: Assessing the Implications for Policy, Law and International Trade", will take place 7-8 June 2005. It is organised jointly by Ecologic and the Chatham House, London, on behalf of the European Commission, DG Environment.



Examples of the Member States

  • United Kingdom I (Bob Andrew, Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) [pdf, English, 13 KB]
  • United Kingdom II (Neil Judd, ProForest)
  • Netherlands (Janneke de Jong, Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment) [pdf, English, 12 KB]
  • Denmark (Christian Lundmark Jensen, Ministry for the Environment) [pdf, English, 612 KB]
  • France (Rémy Risser, Ministry for Ecology and Sustainable Development, and Véronique Joucla, Ministry for Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Rural Affairs) [pdf, English, 57 KB]

Implications for Exporters

  • Statement (Le Thi Nhu Hoa, ScanCom Group) [pdf, English, 411 KB]

Implications for Importers

  • Statement (Fraser Steele, Glenalmond Timber Co Ltd) [pdf, English, 76 KB]

Possible Contributions of Public Procurement Programmes to Sustainable Forest Management

  • Statement (Matthew Wenban-Smith, FSC International) [pdf, English, 959 KB]
  • Statement (Jaroslav Tymrak, PEFC Council)
  • Statement (Yong Teng Koon, Malaysian Timber Certification Council) [pdf, English, 249 KB]


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Richard Tarasofsky, LLM, LLB
Tanja Dräger de Teran
Stefanie Wurm
Peter Sprang
Project ID