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Ecologic Newsletter No 23 - January 2005

Ecologic Newsletter No 23 - January 2005

Ecologic Institute Newsletter
  1. Quality has its price! But which? - Future of the Water Supply and Wastewater Sector - Publication
  2. Draft model international investment agreements for sustainable development 
  3. Making the Right Choice: a Methodology for Selecting Cost-Effective Measures for the Water Framework Directive - Publication
  4. The European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) and the Presidential Elections in the Ukraine - Dinner Dialogue with Annika Weidemann
  5. Utility Performance Indicators and Benchmarking in the EECCA - Lecture
  6. Allocation of Emission Rights in Germany - a first assessment
  7. Concerted Action Trade and Environment (CAT-E) - Conference Report

1. Quality has its price! But which? - Future of the Water Supply and Wastewater Sector - Publication

Wenke Hansen and Nadine Herbke published an article in the documentation of the convention "Füllhorn oder Büchse der Pandora? - GATS, the European Internal Market and the liberalisation of public services in Germany". The article addresses the evolution of prices and charges in the European water and sanitation sector, and the debate over the liberalisation of the German water sector.

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2. Draft model international investment agreements for sustainable development

International investment agreements and arbitration have significant roles for sustainable development. However, there is wide scepticism about the approach currently reflected in the existing agreements. Konrad von Moltke, Partner at Ecologic, together with colleagues at the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), developed a Model Agreement on Investment.

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3. Making the Right Choice: a Methodology for Selecting Cost-Effective Measures for the Water Framework Directive - Publication

In the third issue of the Journal for European Environmental and Planning Law (JEEPL), Nicole Kranz, Benjamin Görlach and Eduard Interwies published an article on the selection of cost-effective combinations of measures according to Article 11 of the Water Framework Directive (WFD).

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4. The European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) and the Presidential Elections in the Ukraine - Dinner Dialogue with Annika Weidemann

The EU Neighbourhood Policy in the light of the recent presidential election events in the Ukraine was the topic of debate of the Dinner Dialogue hosted by Ecologic and the Heinrich Böll Foundation on 14 December 2004 in Berlin. The core questions centered on the applicability of the recently negotiated EU/Ukraine Action Plan in the light of the changes that have taken place in the Ukraine at the end of 2004. Should the EU continue or rather rethink its policy vis a vis the Ukraine, and offer it a European perspective? What important elements will have to be considered which may shape a future EU policy in this region? Annika Weidemann, Rainder Steenblock and Claudia Nolte were the guest speakers.

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5. Utility Performance Indicators and Benchmarking in the EECCA - Lecture

An international workshop, organised by the OECD EAP Task Force, highlighted "best practice" for benchmarking initiatives in the water supply and sanitation sector of the EECCA region (Eastern Europe, Caucasus, Central Asia) and provided a discussion forum on potential future applications in the context of investment decisions. In her contribution, Nicole Kranz presented recent national experiences with benchmarking programmes in France, England and Wales, the Netherlands, Brazil and Sweden.

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6. Allocation of Emission Rights in Germany - a first assessment

The third Climate Talk, which took place on 14 December 2004, provided a first review of the allocation of CO2 emission rights in Germany. Climate Talk is a platform for experts to discuss the political, legal and economic issues surrounding climate protection. The series of events is initiated by the law firm Baker & McKenzie and Ecologic.

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7. Concerted Action Trade and Environment (CAT-E) - Conference Report

"Trade, Environment and Development: The North-South Dimensions" was the topic of the second international conference of the Concerted Action on Trade and Environment (CAT&E). The event was held at the Trippenhuis of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) in Amsterdam on 1-2 November 2004. The conference report, including the programme, summaries of the sessions and a list of participants, is now available for download.

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