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Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals for Soils

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Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals for Soils


The project Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals for Soils aimed to examine how the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Target 15.3 on 'Land Degradation Neutrality' could be implemented in Germany and at the global level. Ecologic Institute analysed potential indicators, developed an own indicator concept build on land use changes and developed policy recommendations to implement the SDG 15.3.

According to the FAO data, land degradation affects over 20% of the world population. Land and soil protection are of central importance for food security, as well as the delivery of multiple other ecosystem services. Thus, the reversal of land degradation and protection of soil functions and ecosystem services are also key to achieving sustainable development goals. The project reviewed the existing initiatives to implement the land-related SDGs, including the status of soil degradation, the relevance of soil threats and indicators for monitoring of soil status. In addition, for Germany, available and potential new instruments for the implementation of land-focused SDGs were examined. Beyond literature sources, the project results are built on a large number of expert interviews and three expert workshops.


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Stephanie Wunder
Keighley McFarland
Stefanie Albrecht
Project ID
Land, soil, land degradation, Sustainable Development Goals, land use, soil protection
Germany, global
Literature review, expert interviews, expert workshops