- Ecologic Institute at the International Climate Summit COP21 in Paris – News
- SmartSOIL Toolbox – Publication
- The ILVA Steel Plant in Italy – Briefing for the European Parliament
- New Approaches & Technologies For Tackling Emerging Pollutants In Drinking & Wastewater – Publication
- Promoting Innovation Through the Assessment of Changes in Fresh Water Ecosystem Services – Publication
- Future Development of the European Bioeconomy – Stakeholder Consultation
- Practical Disaster Risk Reduction Measures for Coastal Regions in Italy – Presentation
- Guideline for the Financing of River Basin Organisations (RBO) in Latin America (EcoCuencas) – Presentation
- Emissions Trading for the Government of Panama – Training Course
- International Environmental Policy Issues Contributed by Dr. Camilla Bausch – News
- Arctic Summer College: Arctic Exchange in the Digital Age – Presentation
- The European Energy Transition – ELEEP Study Tour
Ecologic Newsletter No 158 – November 2015
- Ecologic Institute Newsletter
- Ecologic Institute at the International Climate Summit COP21 in Paris – News
- SmartSOIL Toolbox – Publication
- The ILVA Steel Plant in Italy – Briefing for the European Parliament
- New Approaches & Technologies For Tackling Emerging Pollutants In Drinking & Wastewater – Publication
- Promoting Innovation Through the Assessment of Changes in Fresh Water Ecosystem Services – Publication
- Future Development of the European Bioeconomy – Stakeholder Consultation
- Practical Disaster Risk Reduction Measures for Coastal Regions in Italy – Presentation
- Guideline for the Financing of River Basin Organisations (RBO) in Latin America (EcoCuencas) – Presentation
- Emissions Trading for the Government of Panama – Training Course
- International Environmental Policy Issues Contributed by Dr. Camilla Bausch – News
- Arctic Summer College: Arctic Exchange in the Digital Age – Presentation
- The European Energy Transition – ELEEP Study Tour
Ecologic Institute at the International Climate Summit COP21 in Paris – News
Envoys from nearly 200 countries will come together at COP21 in Paris for the first two weeks of December to agree on a deal to tackle climate change. Ecologic Institute is providing legal advice at the negotiations and is also presenting the results of different research projects at COP side events. Furthermore, Dr. Camilla Bausch (Director, Ecologic Institute) will be speaking at two events and Dr. Grit Martinez has been invited by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) to give a presentation at the side event "From research to decision making" on 3 December 2015 in the German Pavilion.
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SmartSOIL Toolbox – Publication
An innovative 'Toolbox', aimed to help farmers achieve a good balance between crop productivity, soil health and soil carbon storage, has been developed as a result of a major EU research project called SmartSOIL. The SmartSOIL toolbox is an interactive platform which will show advisers and farmers potential changes in yield and soil organic carbon content which can result from implementing these practices. The toolbox is available online.
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The ILVA Steel Plant in Italy – Briefing for the European Parliament
The present briefing provides an overview of the history of the plant, and of the legal measures taken to address the company's failure to comply with applicable environmental legislation, as well as the environmental, economic and health impacts of the lack of environmental compliance. The briefing is available for download.
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New Approaches & Technologies For Tackling Emerging Pollutants In Drinking & Wastewater – Publication
In October 2015, DEMEAU, a three-year EU-funded FP7 project, made headlines in the release of the German American Water Technology (GAWT) Magazine. The cover of the latest edition of the magazine features the article entitled "New Approaches & Technologies for Tackling Emerging Pollutants in Drinking & Wastewater." The article authored by Ecologic Institute's Ulf Stein, Evelyn Lukat, and Anna Bee Szendrenyi sheds light on key findings from the DEMEAU project, which recently concluded in August 2015. The article is available for download.
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Promoting Innovation Through the Assessment of Changes in Fresh Water Ecosystem Services – Publication
Members of the research team of the European water research project DESSIN, a four-year EU-funded FP7 project, published an article in the GAWT Magazine. Authored by Gerardo Anzaldua, Sarah Beyer and Manuel Lago from Ecologic Institute, Nadine Vanessa Gerner and Issa Nafo from the Emschergenossenschaft and Sebastian Birk from the University of Duisburg-Essen, the article provides insights on key findings and presents the evaluation framework developed during the project. The article is available for download.
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Future Development of the European Bioeconomy – Stakeholder Consultation
The BioSTEP project has launched a stakeholder consultation on the future development of the European bioeconomy. The consultation investigates how different actors perceive the challenges, opportunities and policy gaps surrounding the development and strengthening of national and regional bioeconomy strategies. Join the stakeholder consultation!
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Practical Disaster Risk Reduction Measures for Coastal Regions in Italy – Presentation
On 19 October 2015, local and regional coastal implementing agencies met in Bologna (Italy) on invitation of the FP-7 project RISC-KIT and the Geological Service of the Emilia-Romagna Region for the first Italian RISC-KIT Stakeholder's Day. Participants discussed the state of of coastal protection and the improvement of prevention, mitigation, and preparedness measures against coastal storms, erosion, and flash floods in the region. During the consultation, Dr. Grit Martinez from Ecologic Institute presented the outcomes of a socio-political-cultural and ecological analysis. The analysis highlighted factors essential to the improvement and implementation of disaster risk reduction measures in the strategically important touristic region of Emilia Romagna.
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Guideline for the Financing of River Basin Organisations (RBO) in Latin America (EcoCuencas) – Presentation
Ina Krüger joined the 13th International Conference "EUROPE-INBO 2015" for the implementation of the European Water Directives. On 21 October 2015, she presented the work of Ecologic Institute on a guideline for the financing of river basin organisations (RBO) in Latin America, and provided an outlook for the planned work in scope of the "River Basins and Financial Redistribution in Practice (EcoCuencas)" project at a workshop. for The presentation slides are available for download.
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Emissions Trading for the Government of Panama – Training Course
From 26 to 31 October 2015, Ecologic Institute conducted a 5-day training course on carbon pricing instruments – particularly emissions trading – for 20 Panamanian public officials. Senior Fellow Benjamin Görlach from Ecologic Institute led the event and was responsible for course organization and content. Together with Elizabeth Zelljadt, he taught several of the sessions and engaged expert speakers to present on specific topics relevant to the design of emissions trading systems as well as carbon pricing efforts in Latin America. Hosted by Panama's Ministry of Environment, the course was funded by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP).
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International Environmental Policy Issues Contributed by Dr. Camilla Bausch – News
International environmental policy is receiving a great deal of attention in 2015. In September the United Nations General Assembly committed to the Sustainable Development Goals and in December a new global climate regime is expected to be adopted at the UN Climate Summit in Paris. Dr. Camilla Bausch, Director of Ecologic Institute, discussed critical aspects of this dynamic at various events.
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Arctic Summer College: Arctic Exchange in the Digital Age – Presentation
The Arctic Summer College (ASC) is proud to have recently completed its fifth successful year. This year, the Arctic Summer College had the exciting opportunity of hosting a breakout session at the Arctic Circle Assembly on 16 October 2015 in Reykjavik. Ecologic Institute's Arne Riedel, Max Grünig and Katherine Weingartner took part in the conference as part of the German delegation.
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The European Energy Transition – ELEEP Study Tour
The first study tour of the 2015-2016 ELEEP Fellowship Class took place from 21 until 25 September 2015. On the study tour 15 ELEEP members visited Denmark and Germany to explore both opportunities and challenges of the European Energy Transition.
IMPRINT: http://ecologic.eu/legal-notice
Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
Person in charge: Dr. Camilla Bausch, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
ISSN: 1613-1363
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