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European Environmental Policies and Sustainable Development – Framework Contract with the European Parliament

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European Environmental Policies and Sustainable Development – Framework Contract with the European Parliament


Together with other institutes, Ecologic Institute has a framework contract with the European Parliament to support the work of its Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI). Under this framework contract, the European Parliament regularly requests studies and briefing papers on EU environmental policies and issues of sustainable development.

The ENVI Committee of the EP  has almost 70 members and is responsible, among other things, for legislative proposals on environmental issues. Examples include air and water pollution, waste management, biodiversity, resource efficiency, and climate change.

The studies and briefings produced under the framework contract, summarise the scientific, legal or political state of affairs on a certain topic. Thereby, they help Members of the European Parliament in taking informed decisions on a broad range of policies and issues relating to the environment and sustainable development. The consortium is led by the Institute for European Environmental Policy.

Project publications

The ILVA Industrial Site in Taranto

The present briefing provides an overview of history of the plant, and of the legal measures taken to address the company's failure to comply with applicable environmental legislation, as well as the environmental, economic and health impacts of the lack of environmental compliance. The briefing is available for download.

Study on Wildlife Crime in the EU

Wildlife crime is no longer an emerging issue, but has established itself as a serious threat to biodiversity and sustainable development. In the period between 2010 and 2012 alone, for example, 100,000 elephants were killed in Africa for ivory. The EU is both one of the most important markets for illegal wildlife products and an important actor in the fight against wildlife crime. Ecologic Institute compiled a study on wildlife crime which has been commissioned by the European Parliament together with partners. The study is available for download.

EU Accession to CITES

The objective of this briefing was to provide Members with an overview of the key issues at stake at the CITES COP 17 and to introduce the new role of the EU as a single Party entity. A short overview of the history of CITES was provided, along with the current positions of the main Parties on key issues of importance. The brief identified main conclusions and recommendations for Members of the ENVI Committee. The document is available for download.

The UN Ocean Conference – June 2017, Guidance to the ENVI Committee of the European Parliament

The objective of this project was to provide Members of ENVI Committee of the European Parliament an overview of key issues and stakeholders' positions in preparation to the UN Ocean Conference in June 2017.


Dr. Christiane Gerstetter
Christian Hudson
Adrienne Gehre
Project ID
environmental policies, sustainable development, ENVI, framework contract