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Applying EU Environmental Legislation to the Field of Marine Protection

Applying EU Environmental Legislation to the Field of Marine Protection

Applying EU Environmental Legislation to the Field of Marine Protection


Ecologic Institute prepared a background paper for this international conference, which took place on the island of Zakynthos (Greece) on 19-20 May 2003. The main objectives of the event were to examine procedures for non-compliance with the nature conservation legislation of the EU; to offer a forum to discuss possible actions to achieve compliance with European legislation and the overall aim of sustainable marine protection; to provide an opportunity to share best practices and exchange experiences and know-how concerning the sustainable management of marine protected areas and financial instruments for nature conservation; and to deliver results which are applicable to the development of the national park administration and an appropriate conservation strategy on Zakynthos.



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Eduard Interwies
Tanja Dräger de Teran
Jörg Roos
Katy Thiele
Project ID
Meeresschutz, Naturschutz, Umweltbeschwerde, Park Management, Urteile des Europäischen Gerichtshofes, Finanzierungsinstrumente für den Naturschutz
Zakynthos, Griechenland, Mittelmeer, Europa