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Ecologic Institute – 20 Years of Environmental Work


Ecologic Institute – 20 Years of Environmental Work

Radio Interview with Dr. Camilla Bausch in the weekly environment program "Global" on SWRinfo

Mainz, Germany

The new Director of Ecologic Institute, Dr. Camilla Bausch, spoke with Axel Weiß from the Südwestrundfunk (SWR) about her new position at the Institute. During the interview, Dr. Camilla Bausch talked about the Institute's work and achievements, its 20th anniversary taking place this year, and the Institute's formula for success in cooperation and competition with other environmental think tanks. As a climate and energy expert, she also highlighted opportunities and challenges on the road to the UN climate conference in Paris at the end of 2015.

Speaker: Dr. Camilla Bausch

Editor: Axel Weiss

Program: Global

Broadcasting station: SWRinfo