- Mainstreaming Climate Change into Rural Development Policy post 2013 – Publication
- Mainstreaming of Climate Change in the Common Agricultural Policy – Presentation
- TTIP: Impacts on Agriculture and Food – Workshop
- Coastal Zones: Achieving Sustainable Management – Publication
- 12 EFFACE Case Studies on Environmental Crime – Publications
- Environmental Crime in Armenia – A Case Study on Mining
- Regional Cooperation in the Context of the New 2030 Energy Governance – Policy Paper
- Energiewende in the Classroom – Teaching Materials
- Sustainable Urban Development – School Debate
- Sustainability in Berlin – Abroad Program
Ecologic Newsletter No 149 – February 2015
- Ecologic Institute Newsletter
- Mainstreaming Climate Change into Rural Development Policy post 2013 – Publication
- Mainstreaming of Climate Change in the Common Agricultural Policy – Presentation
- TTIP: Impacts on Agriculture and Food – Workshop
- Coastal Zones: Achieving Sustainable Management – Publication
- 12 EFFACE Case Studies on Environmental Crime – Publications
- Environmental Crime in Armenia – A Case Study on Mining
- Regional Cooperation in the Context of the New 2030 Energy Governance – Policy Paper
- Energiewende in the Classroom – Teaching Materials
- Sustainable Urban Development – School Debate
- Sustainability in Berlin – Abroad Program
Mainstreaming Climate Change into Rural Development Policy post 2013 – Publication
This study developed a Technical Guidance for the managing authorities of Rural Development Programs (RDPs) on how to further mainstream new and innovative climate actions in RDPs. The study was commissioned by the Directorate General for Climate Action and led by Ecologic Institute. The study report, which includes the Technical Guidance, is available for download.
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Mainstreaming of Climate Change in the Common Agricultural Policy – Presentation
Ana Frelih-Larsen, Senior Fellow at Ecologic Institute, gave a presentation to a group of international journalists during an Informational Tour for Journalists and Experts in the context of the Green Week in Berlin. She gave an overview of the process of climate change mainstreaming in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), outlining the underlying scientific evidence base and discussing the basic principles of mainstreaming. She further illustrated the various tools that Member States can use to integrate climate objectives in the CAP 2014-2020 and discussed the key practical aspects and barriers to mainstreaming implementation.
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TTIP: Impacts on Agriculture and Food – Workshop
This workshop aimed at discussing the proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) trade agreement under negotiation between the European Union and the United States of America with regards to the specific food and agricultural provisions that would be included in the agreement. Issues with regulatory cooperation between the two systems as well as eliminating trade barriers to facilitate the flow of goods across the Atlantic were discussed. Ecologic Institute, US (EIUS) co-hosted the workshop with the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) on 9 January 2015.
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Coastal Zones: Achieving Sustainable Management – Publication
This thematic issue highlights recent research focusing on the interaction of ecological, economic, and social objectives in coastal management and policy making. It covers various experiences in regards to the management and implementation of the European Union's key policy initiatives. The research presented and emphasized the need for coordinated and clear management roles between institutions and government levels as well as the importance of trust and involvement of local stakeholders. Benjamin Boteler of Ecologic Institute was the guest editor. The publication is available for download.
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12 EFFACE Case Studies on Environmental Crime – Publications
EFFACE partners have compiled twelve case studies on different types of environmental crime. The purpose of conducting these case studies was to identify the mechanisms and impacts of different types of environmental crime within and outside of the European Union and possible counter-measures. The case studies are available for download.
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Environmental Crime in Armenia – A Case Study on Mining
Despite the European Union's efforts to promote good governance in Armenia, economic resources and political power have become interwoven in often illicit ways. Corruption is widespread at all levels of the state apparatus. Against this background, this case study, co-authored by Christoph Stefes and Katherine Weingartner of Ecologic Institute, looks at the causes of environmental crime in Armenia–taking the mining sector as an example–and describes measures that the European Union could take to contribute to preventing future environmental crime in the country. The case study is available for download.
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Regional Cooperation in the Context of the New 2030 Energy Governance – Policy Paper
In this policy paper, Ecologic Institute's Katharina Umpfenbach, Andreas Graf and Camilla Bausch take a closer look at the existing landscape of regional institutions in the European electricity sector to explore their potential contribution to an effective future governance framework. The policy paper is available for download.
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Energiewende in the Classroom – Teaching Materials
The "Teacher Training Renewable Energy" project aimed to improve the capacities of future teachers in regards to their knowledge about renewable energies and also to identify methodologies that may help teachers share this knowledge in schools. During three years of project work, Ecologic Institute, Solare Zukunft, and the Independent Institute for Environmental Issues (UfU) developed a rich and comprehensive pool of (German) teaching materials. All teaching materials are also available beyond the project's duration and can be downloaded for free.
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Sustainable Urban Development – School Debate
The German research agenda in 2015 focuses on the future of cities ("Wissenschaftsjahr Zukunftsstadt"). This topic is also reflected in the curricula of schools. On 20 January 2015, ninety 9-year-old schoolchildren from Potsdam came together to watch the movie "Der blaue Tiger" and then discuss sustainable urban development from their perspectives. Stephanie Wunder, Senior Fellow at Ecologic Institute, was invited to talk with them about the challenges of urban development, sustainability, the participation of children, and other issues.
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Sustainability in Berlin – Abroad Program
Between September and December 2014, the first group of students from the University Colorado Denver successfully participated in the newly established semester abroad program "Sustainability in Berlin." In addition to two courses on "Environmental Politics and Policy" taught by Prof. Christoph Stefes and a course on "The Global Ecological Crisis" taught by Stephanie Wunder from Ecologic Institute, the students experienced firsthand what sustainability means in practice. During field trips to Berlin, Dessau (Germany), and Copenhagen (Denmark) they learned about alternative concepts for transport, energy, food waste, diets, housing, and climate change adaptation.
IMPRINT: http://ecologic.eu/legal-notice
Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
Person in charge: Dr. Camilla Bausch, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
ISSN: 1613-1363
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