- Looking to the Future: Trend Report for a Forward-Looking Resource Policy – Publication
- Quality of Life, Wellbeing and Biodiversity – Publication
- Public Participation: Contributing to Better Water Management – Publication
- Regulatory Cooperation under TTIP – a Risk for Democracy and National Regulation? – Publication
- Climate and Energy Policy Framework – 28 Country Profiles
- Masterplan 100% Climate Protection – Moderation
- American, European, and Arctic Perspectives on the Energy Crisis in Ukraine – Presentation
- Taking Stock of the UN Climate Talks Towards Paris 2015: Ambition Before and After 2020 – Climate Talk
- The Arctic Council: Geopolitical Aspects and the Human Dimension Discussion – Event
- How to Improve Fish Protection and Downstream Migration in Rivers? – Presentation
Ecologic Newsletter No 146 – November 2014
- Ecologic Institute Newsletter
- Looking to the Future: Trend Report for a Forward-Looking Resource Policy – Publication
- Quality of Life, Wellbeing and Biodiversity – Publication
- Public Participation: Contributing to Better Water Management – Publication
- Regulatory Cooperation under TTIP – a Risk for Democracy and National Regulation? – Publication
- Climate and Energy Policy Framework – 28 Country Profiles
- Masterplan 100% Climate Protection – Moderation
- American, European, and Arctic Perspectives on the Energy Crisis in Ukraine – Presentation
- Taking Stock of the UN Climate Talks Towards Paris 2015: Ambition Before and After 2020 – Climate Talk
- The Arctic Council: Geopolitical Aspects and the Human Dimension Discussion – Event
- How to Improve Fish Protection and Downstream Migration in Rivers? – Presentation
Looking to the Future: Trend Report for a Forward-Looking Resource Policy – Publication
In this "Trend Report for a Forward-Looking Resource Policy" Ecologic Institute's Susanne Langsdorf and Dr. Martin Hirschnitz-Garbers analyze more than 300 individual trends, allocated to twelve trend themes. They discuss the potential developments and relevance for German resource policy. The report was released during the European Resources Forum on 10 November 2014 and is available for download.
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Quality of Life, Wellbeing and Biodiversity – Publication
The relationship between biodiversity and human wellbeing is multifaceted and assumes diverse forms across and within populations. In developing countries, for example, biodiversity and natural resources often constitute the basis of people's livelihoods and thus their material wellbeing. Many individuals also feel a cultural, spiritual, or religious relationship with nature and assign it an inherent value. This study explores these diverse perceptions of biodiversity and its value. The findings serve to advance discussions on how development cooperation can more effectively integrate these views and therewith improve biodiversity and nature conservation. The study is available for download.
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Public Participation: Contributing to Better Water Management – Publication
As part of its work under the European Topic Centre on Inland, Coastal, and Marine waters (ETC/ICM), Ecologic Institute supported the European Environment Agency (EEA) in an assessment of public participation processes in the context of the Water Framework Directive (WFD). This resulted in a report covering theoretical aspects of public participation as well as an analysis of eight case studies from across the EU. The report was reviewed by a series of WFD experts from various EU Member States.The article is available for download.
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Regulatory Cooperation under TTIP – a Risk for Democracy and National Regulation? – Publication
This study conducted by Ecologic Institute with support from the Heinrich Boell Foundation aims at providing factual background to the debate on regulatory cooperation within the TTIP. The study looks at whether fears are justified that regulatory cooperation could lead to lower levels of protection in the EU (and to a lesser extent) in the US and parliamentary processes being bypassed. The study is available for download.
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Climate and Energy Policy Framework – 28 Country Profiles
Every year in October the European Environment Agency (EEA) publishes a "Trends and Projections in Europe" report assessing the self-reported progress of 33 European countries and the European Union (EU) in achieving their climate mitigation and energy policy objectives. These objectives include international commitments under the UNFCCC and its Kyoto Protocol, as well as the EU's 2020 climate and energy targets. For the 2014 "Trends and projects in Europe" report, Ecologic Institute prepared complementary country profiles covering greenhouse gas and energy data and policies for each of the 28 EU Member States. The country profiles are available for download.
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Masterplan 100% Climate Protection – Moderation
On 11 and 12 November 2014, stakeholders and decision makers, including municipalities, businesses, and scientists, met at the congress "100% Renewable Energy Regions" in Kassel to exchange best practices for the energy transition. In a forum on the "Masterplan 100% Climate Protection" chaired by Arne Riedel (Ecologic Institute), three participants from counties Osnabrück and Steinfurt as well as the municipality Neumarkt discussed their approaches, providing insights into the ongoing process of implementation.
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American, European, and Arctic Perspectives on the Energy Crisis in Ukraine – Presentation
The public lecture on the energy crisis in Ukraine was the major event during Adam Pearson's, Transatlantic Fellow at Ecologic Institute, five week-stay at Dartmouth College. Over the extended visit, he also participated in and led discussions on related climate, energy, and arctic topics with academic groups and research initiatives on campus. The visit at Dartmouth College's John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding in Hanover, New Hampshire was supported by the Konrad von Moltke Fund.
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Taking Stock of the UN Climate Talks Towards Paris 2015: Ambition Before and After 2020 – Climate Talk
The UN climate negotiations are currently working towards a new global climate agreement, to be concluded at the end of 2015 in Paris. Until then, a marathon of negotiation sessions is scheduled to take place. In the run-up to the third of four rounds of negotiations in October 2014 in Bonn and just a few weeks before the start of the 2014 climate summit in Lima, Peru (COP-22), a group of 30 interested experts came together at Ecologic Institute for a Climate Talk to take stock.
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The Arctic Council: Geopolitical Aspects and the Human Dimension Discussion – Event
On 13 October 2014, the first in a series of discussions covering different aspects of Arctic science and policy during the Canadian chairmanship of the Arctic Council was held at the Embassy of Canada. Ecologic Institute plays an active role in organizing the series in partnership with the Embassy of Canada, Berlin, International Arctic Science Committee (IASC), Alfred-Wegener Institute Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), and Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS).
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How to Improve Fish Protection and Downstream Migration in Rivers? – Presentation
On 28 October 2014, Ulf Stein (Fellow at Ecologic Institute) presented his key insights on fish migration and protection as a speaker at the 6th Edition of the European River Restoration Conference held in Vienna from 27 until 29 October 2014. Entitled "Connecting River Restoration Thinking to Innovative River Management," the conference was organized jointly by the European Centre for River Restoration (ECRR) and the SEE River project. The presentation slides are available for download.
IMPRINT: http://ecologic.eu/legal-notice
Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
Person in charge: R. Andreas Kraemer, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
ISSN: 1613-1363
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