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Ecologic Newsletter No 15 - June 2004

Ecologic Newsletter No 15 - June 2004

Ecologic Institute Newsletter
  1. Consumer Interests and Sustainable Development in International Law - Study online
  2. Cost-effective Combinations of Measures under the Water Framework Directive – Handbook published
  3. The German Water Sector: From Liberalisation to Modernisation – Presentation online
  4. Relationship between Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) and WTO Rules – Seminar Results
  5. Concerted Action on Trade and Environment (CAT+E) - Call for Papers
  6. Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns – Conference Summary online
  7. Municipalities as Innovation Centres for Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns – Expert Dialogue

1. Consumer Interests and Sustainable Development in International Law - Study online

"Consumer policy is affected by a patchwork of international norms. However, a coherent approach to consumer interests in international law is missing". This is one main conclusion of Ecologic’s study which was released by the Federation of German Consumer Organisations. With a particular focus on the environmental and the economic issues pillars, Ecologic analysed international instruments that are not directly aimed at consumers, but which heavily affect sustainable consumer policy. In the conclusions, a number of recommendations are offered on how to promote consumer interests in the international arena.


2. Cost-effective Combinations of Measures under the Water Framework Directive – Handbook published

The English translation of the Handbook on basic principles for selecting the most cost-effective combinations of measures for inclusion in the programme of measures as described in Article 11 of the Water Framework Directive is now available. Both the German and the English text have been published by the German Federal Environmental Agency.

3. The German Water Sector: From Liberalisation to Modernisation – Presentation online

Eduard Interwies, Senior Economist at Ecologic, presented an assessment of the impact on the German water sector of recent developments concerning the potential liberalisation of water services at EU level.


4. Relationship between Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) and WTO Rules – Seminar Results

In order to increase mutual supportiveness between trade and environmental policy, it is essential to raise awareness of trade issues in the new Member States. This was one of the key messages of the seminar on the relationship between MEAs and WTO Rules and EU Trade policy making, which took place on 10 May 2004 in Szentendre, Hungary. The event was jointly organised by Ecologic, RIIA (Chatham House) and the REC and recognised as a Bellagio Forum Members’ Project. The results of the seminar such as summary, policy brief, and list of participants are now available on the seminar website.


5. Concerted Action on Trade and Environment (CAT+E) - Call for Papers

The second annual conference of the European CAT+E network will focus on trade and environment from a North-South perspective. Ecologic invites policy makers and researchers to contribute papers to the conference before 1 July 2004. The international event will take place on 1-2 November 2004 in Amsterdam.


6. Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns – Conference Summary online

The conference summary on "Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns - National Dialogue on the Follow-up of the World Summit on Sustainable Development" is now available. The event took place in Berlin on 16-17 February 2004 and has been organised by Ecologic. This conference established a starting point for national dialogue concerned with the implementation of the Johannesburg commitments in the area of sustainable consumption and production patterns. In the course of this process, existing approaches shall be consolidated and further developed, and new initiatives and partnerships shall be triggered.


7. Municipalities as Innovation Centres for Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns – Expert Dialogue

The first expert dialogue in the framework of the follow-up to the conference "Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns - National Dialogue on the Follow-up of the World Summit on Sustainable Development" will take place on 18 June 2003 in the Federal Environmental Agency in Berlin. Titled "Municipalities as Innovation Centres for Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns" innovative approaches at municipal level, as well as the potential of partnerships and the diffusion of individual approaches will be presented. The seminar will be conducted in German. Invitation, programme and registration form are online available.