- Assessment of Environmentally Relevant Impacts in Impact Assessments - Guidance Document
- Nature-based Solutions to Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation - Publication
- Flood Prevention with Ecological Protection Measures - Publication
- EU in the Arctic, the Arctic in the EU - Gap Analysis Report - Presentation
- Arctic Climate Change Emerging Leaders Fellowship (ACCEL)
- ICAP Summer School on Emissions Trading in Paris - Event
- Green Infrastructure as a Bridging Concept Between Biodiversity Protection and the Green Economy - Presentation
- GreenEcoNet Web Platform Helps SMEs to Become More Environmentally Friendly - News
- Research for a Post-Carbon Future - Event
- Yearbook Ecology 2015 - Publication
- The Ecologic Institute and Its Influence on Policies in Germany and the EU - Publication
Ecologic Newsletter No 144 - September 2014
- Ecologic Institute Newsletter
- Assessment of Environmentally Relevant Impacts in Impact Assessments - Guidance Document
- Nature-based Solutions to Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation - Publication
- Flood Prevention with Ecological Protection Measures - Publication
- EU in the Arctic, the Arctic in the EU - Gap Analysis Report - Presentation
- Arctic Climate Change Emerging Leaders Fellowship (ACCEL)
- ICAP Summer School on Emissions Trading in Paris - Event
- Green Infrastructure as a Bridging Concept Between Biodiversity Protection and the Green Economy - Presentation
- GreenEcoNet Web Platform Helps SMEs to Become More Environmentally Friendly - News
- Research for a Post-Carbon Future - Event
- Yearbook Ecology 2015 - Publication
- The Ecologic Institute and Its Influence on Policies in Germany and the EU - Publication
Assessment of Environmentally Relevant Impacts in Impact Assessments - Guidance Document
Impacts of environmental policy often only occur in the long term and there is no market price to value them. How can costs and benefits of these measures be evaluated and compared anyway? This working guide provides support for legislation impact assessment and supports the quantification of the impacts of environmental policies on environment and economy. The guide is available for download.
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Nature-based Solutions to Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation - Publication
Climate change is a global phenomenon that poses risks to sectors across society and the economy. Nature-based approaches can offer sustainable solutions to cope with climate change mitigation and adaptation challenges. The brochure "Nature-based Approaches to Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation", developed by Ecologic Institute on behalf of the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN), introduces the opportunities, challenges, and success factors of nature-based solutions and presents good practice examples. The brochure is available for download.
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Flood Prevention with Ecological Protection Measures - Publication
After the flooding of 2002, many measures for flood protection have been planned and implemented in Germany. However, the next big flooding event in 2013 showed that technical solutions are not sufficient for the protection of houses, land, and people in endangered areas. Alternatively, flood prevention with ecological protection measures should be focused.
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EU in the Arctic, the Arctic in the EU - Gap Analysis Report - Presentation
On 11 September 2014, nineteen top Arctic institutes in Europe proposed the establishment of an EU Arctic Information Centre as a network undertaking in the final seminar of the project "EU in the Arctic, the Arctic in the EU" in Brussels, Belgium. Arne Riedel presented Ecologic Institute's work on a Gap Analysis Report within that project, providing insights into Arctic stakeholders' needs to fill information and communication gaps.
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Arctic Climate Change Emerging Leaders Fellowship (ACCEL)
The Ecologic Institute and the Atlantic Council, through their Emerging Leaders in Environmental and Energy Policy Network (ELEEP), created the Arctic Climate Change Emerging Leaders (ACCEL) Fellowship in the spring of 2014. The Fellowship aims to train the next generation of Arctic Ambassadors and is a unique summer opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as recent graduates, interested in building careers focused on international security, environmental issues, shipping and trade, energy and natural resources, or public relations and diplomacy. First outcomes are now available at the ACCEL website.
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ICAP Summer School on Emissions Trading in Paris - Event
From late August to early September 2014, the 11th ICAP Summer School on Emissions Trading brought together experts from emerging economies and developing countries to learn about emissions trading as a tool for climate protection, and to discuss the options of implementing such systems in developing countries. The course in Paris continues a successful series of past ICAP events held around the world including Berlin, The Hague, Beijing, Madrid, Dublin, Istanbul, and Santiago. 25 mid-career professionals from twelve countries attended the course, which was facilitated by Benjamin Görlach and Matthias Duwe.
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Green Infrastructure as a Bridging Concept Between Biodiversity Protection and the Green Economy - Presentation
Under the title "Wellbeing and Equity within Planetary Boundaries" the biannual conference of the International Society of Ecological Economics (ISEE) took place in Reykjavik (Iceland) from 13 to 15 August 2014. Timo Kaphengst from Ecologic Institute presented a paper on "Green Infrastructure as a bridging concept between biodiversity protection and the green economy". In total, Ecologic Institute contributed three official inputs to the ISEE conference. The presentation slides are available for download.
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GreenEcoNet Web Platform Helps SMEs to Become More Environmentally Friendly - News
Ecologic Institute with partners launched the GreenEcoNet platform, a new website to help small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) become more environmentally friendly while also saving money and becoming more competitive. It is the first pan-European website aiming to connect SMEs and support the trend of small business innovation in tackling the big sustainability challenges. The platform was launched at the GreenEcoNet Annual Conference event in Brussels.
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Research for a Post-Carbon Future - Event
The Research for a Post-Carbon Future conference convened in the EUREF campus in Berlin on September 17th, 2014. As a scientific platform to discuss the European decarbonization, the conference focused on the technological, political, economic, and societal aspects of the transition from a variety of research perspectives. Keynote speakers Prof. Johannes Vogel (Museum für Naturkunde Berlin) and Dr. Harry Lehmann (Federal Environment Agency) opened up the discussion for the audience of researchers, practitioners, and policy makers. A policy brief, the presentation slides and the photo gallery are available at the conference website.
https://post-carbon-future.ecologic-events.eu/ -
Yearbook Ecology 2015 - Publication
The Yearbook Ecology 2015 was published at the end of August 2014. This issue's focus is on re-naturation: society in harmony with nature, which is examined from economic, social, technical, and ecological points of view. Ecologic Institute is one of the institutes supporting this yearbook and contributed three articles in the 2015 edition.
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The Ecologic Institute and Its Influence on Policies in Germany and the EU - Publication
In this book chapter, R. Andreas Kraemer offers insights to the functional aspects and and challenges in the Ecologic Institute organization, in both a German and European context. After presenting strategies like network cooperation, and internal structures, e.g. the "Fluid Matrix Organization" of the staff, R. Andreas Kraemer highlights policy successes regarding water or nuclear power policy.
IMPRINT: http://ecologic.eu/legal-notice
Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
Person in charge: R. Andreas Kraemer, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
ISSN: 1613-1363
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