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Ecologic Newsletter No 14 - May 2004

Ecologic Newsletter No 14 - May 2004

Ecologic Institute Newsletter
  1. Side Event on Renewable Energies at the UN CSD-12
  2. Recommendations for 2004 of European Environmental Advisory Councils to the European Council Economic
  3. Instruments for Water Management - Publication of the Inter-American Development Bank
  4. EURATOM and the future EU Constitution - Article in the New Scientist magazine
  5. Global Warming and Implementation of the Kyoto Protocol - Dinner Dialogue with Prof. David A. Wirth
  6. Peter Kessler joins Ecologic as a Senior Policy Advisor

1. Side Event on Renewable Energies at the UN CSD-12

At the 12th session of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development, Ecologic supported the German Ministry of Environment in organising a side event on renewable energies in New York. With some 250 participants, the side event was one of the largest of its kind at CSD-12. Keynote speakers included Norwegian Environment Minister and CSD Chair Børge Brende, US Under Secretary of State Paula Dobriansky, German Environment Minister Jürgen Trittin, EU Environment Commissioner Margot Wallström and UN Under-Secretary-General José Antonio Ocampo.

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2. Recommendations for 2004 of European Environmental Advisory Councils to the European Council

Each spring, the European Council meets in order to discuss Europe's progress towards becoming the most competitive economy in the world. At the same time, progress in the area of sustainable development is reviewed. The Working Group on Sustainable Development of the European Environmental Advisory Councils (EEAC) is preparing recommendations as an input to the spring meetings. Ecologic helped the Working Group in drafting the EEAC recommendations for 2004.


3. Economic Instruments for Water Management - Publication of the Inter-American Development Bank

This publication provides practical examples of experience with economic instruments in water management mainly in European and other OECD countries. It assists in identifying appropriate instruments for the Latin American and Caribbean context and demonstrates the constraints and impediments to their introduction. The main part of the publication has been contributed by Ecologic.


4. EURATOM and the future EU Constitution - Article in the New Scientist magazine

Benjamin Görlach, Researcher at Ecologic, contributed to an article by Rob Edwards that was published in the 1 May 2004 issue of the New Scientist magazine. The article deals with the prospects for future use of nuclear energy in Europe, against the background of the EU enlargement and the future of the EURATOM treaty. More information on this issue can be found in an Ecologic Brief on Energy Policy in the Constitutional Treaty by Benjamin Görlach and Nils Meyer-Ohlendorf.


5. Global Warming and Implementation of the Kyoto Protocol - Dinner Dialogue with Prof. David A. Wirth

"The Transatlantic Dialogue on climate change is as important as ever". This was one of the results of a Dinner Dialogue with Prof. David A. Wirth. 19 representatives from policy making, research institutes, NGOs and business came together to informally discuss climate change and the future of the Kyoto Protocol from a transatlantic perspective.


6. Peter Kessler joins Ecologic as a Senior Policy Advisor

Ecologic welcomes the former Deputy Secretary and Water Director in the Ministry for the Environment, Agriculture, and Forestry of Hesse (MULF), a renowned expert in the field of water management, as a Senior Policy Advisor. His rich experience with management and decision-making in environmental administrations and the practical use of economic concepts in environmental policy, both in European as well as in developing countries, is a fruitful addition to Ecologic´s expertise in these fields.