- Influences on Consumer Behavior - Policy Brief for the DG Environment
- Greening the Heartlands of Coal in Europe - Publication
- Joint Statement on the Second Monitoring Report of the German Government for the Year 2012 - Publication
- Comparative Analysis of Current Proposals to Increase Energy Efficiency - Publication
- Legal Commentary on the Closed Cycle Management Act (Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz, KrWG) - Publication
- Investor-state Dispute Settlement in TTIP - Presentations
- Framing and Integrating Soil Carbon Management in the Evolving Policy Environment - Presentation
- Regional Governance and Management for Adaptation to Drought and Water Scarcity in North-West Europe - Presentation
- China's Coal Shift: Discussion with Greenpeace China Campaigner Li Shuo - Event
Ecologic Newsletter No 139 - April 2014
- Ecologic Institute Newsletter
- Influences on Consumer Behavior - Policy Brief for the DG Environment
- Greening the Heartlands of Coal in Europe - Publication
- Joint Statement on the Second Monitoring Report of the German Government for the Year 2012 - Publication
- Comparative Analysis of Current Proposals to Increase Energy Efficiency - Publication
- Legal Commentary on the Closed Cycle Management Act (Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz, KrWG) - Publication
- Investor-state Dispute Settlement in TTIP - Presentations
- Framing and Integrating Soil Carbon Management in the Evolving Policy Environment - Presentation
- Regional Governance and Management for Adaptation to Drought and Water Scarcity in North-West Europe - Presentation
- China's Coal Shift: Discussion with Greenpeace China Campaigner Li Shuo - Event
Influences on Consumer Behavior - Policy Brief for the DG Environment
A policy brief written by Katharina Umpfenbach and colleagues for Directorate-General for the Environment summarizes the most relevant scientific insights and analyzes the implications for policy making. It highlights novel policy ideas for triggering changes in consumer behavior. The policy brief is available for download.
/10552 -
Greening the Heartlands of Coal in Europe - Publication
The German energy transition impacts neighboring countries – but so far, this fact has hardly been addressed in Germany. This study aims to shed light on the situation and help build bridges between neighbors. It builds on the insights gained during trilateral meetings, while analyzing and exploring the different approaches and debates in the Czech Republic, Germany, and Poland. The authors, among them Dr. Camilla Bausch and Sascha Müller-Kraenner from Ecologic Institute, offer a range of recommendations, in particular for better cross-border cooperation and intensified dialogue with the goal of facing our energy and climate challenges together. The study is available for download.
/10580 -
Joint Statement on the Second Monitoring Report of the German Government about the "Energy of the Future"- Publication
On 8 April 2014, the second monitoring report from the Federal Government and the joint statement from the Expert Commissions about the "Energy of the Future" monitoring process were presented. The Ecologic Institute supports the work of the Expert Commission by providing scientific input. The statement on the German "Energiewende", under review for the second year in 2012, had mixed findings. The major message is that while Germany is expected to meet its renewable energy targets, further efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve energy efficiency are necessary. The Federal Government has announced clear priorities in this regard, which now must be implemented. The joint statement is available for download.
/10550 -
Comparative Analysis of Current Proposals to Increase Energy Efficiency - Publication
The existing measures in Germany are not sufficient to meet the efficiency targets of the Energy Concept and the requirements of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive. On behalf of the European Climate Foundation, Ecologic Institute has compared essential proposals aimed at increasing energy efficiency and deduced possible political demands. This short study was presented on December 2013 in the workshop "Energy Efficiency Models and EU Energy Efficiency Directive: Consensus for a Stronger Energy Efficiency Policy in Germany" in Berlin. The summary of the short study is available for download.
/10546 -
Legal Commentary on the Closed Cycle Management Act (Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz, KrWG) - Publication
Dr. Stephan Sina, lawyer and Senior Fellow at Ecologic Institute, commented on the provisions regarding closed cycle management of bio-waste and sewage sludge (section 11 KrWG) and quality assurance in the field of bio-waste and sewage sludge (section 12 KrWG) in a new legal commentary on the Closed Cycle Management Act (Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz, KrWG). The legal commentary, edited by Jahn/Deifuß-Kruse/Brandt, was published by Kohlhammer in February 2014. It provides guidance to lawyers, administrative agencies, and waste management companies with respect to the application of the new Closed Cycle Management Act.
/10538 -
Investor-state Dispute Settlement in TTIP - Presentations
On 1 and 2 April 2014, Christiane Gerstetter, Senior Fellow on the Ecologic Institute's legal team, gave two presentations in Brussels on investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). Based on an earlier study written by the Ecologic Institute on the subject, she concluded that including ISDS in TTIP would entail incalculable risks for environmental regulation that are not counter-balanced by benefits. She therefore recommended not to include ISDS provisions in TTIP. The presentations are available for download.
/10560 -
Framing and Integrating Soil Carbon Management in the Evolving Policy Environment - Presentation
During the 11th European IFSA Symposium Dr. Ana Frelih-Larsen, Senior Fellow at Ecologic Institute, outlined the existing mechanisms for soil protection in general and soil organic matter (soil carbon) specifically. She explained the requirements for better policies to protect soil organic matters. Sandra Naumann chaired the session. The presentation slides are available for download.
/10587 -
Regional Governance and Management for Adaptation to Drought and Water Scarcity in North-West Europe - Presentation
Ecologic Institute's Ulf Stein presented first insights of the INTERREG IVb project DROP during the International Conference on Regional Climate Adaptation and Resilience (CLARR 2014) in Bremen. DROP is trying to enhance the preparedness and resilience of northwestern European regions to periods of drought and water scarcity. In his conclusions he developed messages for the domains of natural science, policy and water management. The presentation slides are available for download.
/10599 -
China's Coal Shift: Discussion with Greenpeace China Campaigner Li Shuo - Event
Is China hooked on coal? Data are showing a possible end to China's coal boom of latter years. Li Shuo, Climate & Energy Campaigner for Greenpeace China explained the background for this encouraging development, and exchanged views with the Experts at Ecologic Institute on 16 April 2014. China's new 'Coalwende' may not yet be as dynamic as the German Energiewende, but even a gradual shift in China will have global implications.
IMPRINT: http://ecologic.eu/legal-notice
Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
Person in charge: R. Andreas Kraemer, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
ISSN: 1613-1363
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