In his presentation, Dr. Wolfgang Urban, picked out the future expansion of renewable energies. He presented, from the perspective of the German federal government, the challenges and prospects for biogas. After the placement of bioenergy in the "orchestra of renewable energies" he examined the contribution of biogas and biomethane in order to achieve the policy objectives. He ended his remarks with a presentation of the latest developments and the conveyor frame. The presentation slides are available for download.
Dr. Wolfgang Urban stated that the energy system must meet the new requirements, which results from the high proportion of renewable energy. Currently, we are in the transition phase from a "energy only" market, based on conventional energies, towards a renewable energy supply, requiring capacitive market mechanisms. This interim phase requires flexible tools to support the transition while ensuring security of supply. Biogas and biomethane based combined heat and power plants should take a new role as a controllable generation capacity in order to take full advantage of their specific advantages. The EEG sets some incentives for this. It is now important to observe how accurately these are configured and if further improvement is needed.