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Ecologic Newsletter No 9 – December 2003

Ecologic Newsletter No 9 – December 2003

Ecologic Institute Newsletter
  1. Ecologic on the Board of the Bellagio Forum for Sustainable Development
  2. Interaction between MEAs and WTO: Information Exchange and observership
  3. After the World Summit for Sustainable Development The Double Nexus between Sustainable Development, Globalization and Security
  4. Prof. Peter M. Haas presentation on UN Reform and the future of UNEP
  5. UN – Civil Society Relations. Consultation with Juan Mayr Maldonado
  6. Supporting the transboundary WFD - Implementation Processes: The Economic Analysis in the Danube River Basin
  7. Workshop on the European Strategy for Soil Protection

1. Ecologic on the Board of the Bellagio Forum for Sustainable Development

As an international network of grant-providing institutions the Bellagio Forum for Sustainable Development (BFSD) strives to attain environmental balance, economic stability and social progress throughout the world.  In December 2003, R. Andreas Kraemer was elected member of the Forum’s Board.


2. Interaction between MEAs and WTO: Information Exchange and observership

A report by Prof. Konrad von Moltke on the state of WTO-negotiations on paragraph 31 (ii) Doha Development Agenda (Information Exchange between MEAs and the WTO and Observer Status of MEA-Secretariats in relevant WTO Committees) has now been published. The report was presented by Matthias Buck (policy advisor of Ecologic) at the EU-China-Dialogue on Trade and Environment, 24-25 July 2003 in Dalian, China. The paper is available for download at the Ecologic Website.


3. After the World Summit for Sustainable Development The Double Nexus between Sustainable Development, Globalization and Security

Nature protection policy and environmental measures within development and international cooperation play a central role in conflicts over resources. Against the background of this development a special meaning is given to global environmental governance as well as the development of the concept of sustainability. Sascha Müller-Kraenner and Uwe Brendle wrote a paper which is now available for download from the Ecologic Website.


4. Prof. Peter M. Haas presentation on UN Reform and the future of UNEP

On 5 November 2003 Prof. Peter M. Haas gave a guest talk at Ecologic, Berlin. His presentation entitled "UN-Reform and the Future of UNEP" provided a basis for a lively discussion with Ecologic's scientists on international environmental regime development. His paper 'Is there a Global Governance Deficit and What Should be Done About It?', based on the presentation to Ecologic, is now available for download from the Ecologic Website.


5. UN – Civil Society Relations. Consultation with Juan Mayr Maldonado

As part of Ecologic's programme on global environmental governance and UN reform, a Dinner Dialogue in honour of Juan Mayr Maldonado, Member of the UN Secretary-General's Panel of Eminent Persons on Civil Society and UN Relationships, was organised jointly by Ecologic and the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation. The discussion focused on the experience of civil society with participation in UN affairs and on the critical issues the UN faces in reshaping its approach to and relations with organised civil society. More information on the work of the panel is available under the UN Website.


6. Supporting the transboundary WFD - Implementation Processes: The Economic Analysis in the Danube River Basin

Ecologic elaborated a cross-country comparison on the present status of capacities and information needed for the implementation of the economic analysis according to the EU Water Framework Directive in the Danube River Basin. The study forms part of the GEF Danube Regional Project and builds on national scoping studies that were guided and supported by Ecologic. This synthesis report has now been made available for download.


7. Workshop on the European Strategy for Soil Protection

On behalf of the Bavarian State Ministry for Environment, Health and Consumer Protection Ecologic organises a workshop regarding the forthcoming European Strategy for Soil Protection. The event, which will take place at the end of April 2004, is part of a series of environmental policy events at the Bavarian EU Representation in Brussels. The aim of the workshop is to examine critically the planned strategy, to offer best-practice examples from the Member States, especially Bavaria, as well as to facilitate the exchange of information on and experiences with soil protection in other Member States. The workshop's most important themes include land management, soil contamination, and land reuse, as well as requirements for soil information systems.


Seasons greetings to all our readers and a successful year 2004!



Herausgeber: Ecologic – Institute for International and European Environmental Policy, Pfalzburger Str. 43-44, 10717 Berlin,

v.i.S.d.P.: R. Andreas Kraemer (Ecologic)

ISSN 1613-1363
