Christiane Gerstetter (Ecologic Institut) Quelle: IFOK

Ecologic Institute's Latest Activities on TTIP

Berlin and Jena, Germany

Christiane Gerstetter, Senior Fellow at Ecologic Institute, participated in a dialogue TTIP organised by IFOK and funded by various German industry associations. She also contributed as an expert to a citizens' forum in Jena in December 2015 and to an expert hearing in Berlin in January 2016. Videos of the hearing in German are available online.

Christiane Gerstetter also wrote a commentary on the EU Commission's proposal for an investment chapter in TTIP for the Heinrich Boell Foundation published in February 2016. The commentary is available in German only. Christiane Gerstetter argues that while the Commission's proposal would constitute a progress as compared to existing investment agreements, the main issue in relation to investment protection in TTIP remains unsolved: the fact that an international judicial system of protecting investors is not needed in the relationship between the US and the EU. Investors can use the national court system on both sides of the Atlantic as they function in line with rule of law standards.

Nils Meyer-Ohlendorf, Head of Global Policies at Ecologic Institute, gave a presentation on regulatory cooperation under TTIP at a breakfast event in the Bundestag in November 2015. The German Federation of Industries had organized the event. Nils Meyer-Ohlendorf argued that the institutional set up for regulatory cooperation - as proposed by the Commission - required further clarification.

Ecologic Institute staff continues to be involved in discussions on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). Christiane Gerstetter and Nils Meyer Ohlendorf participated in various panel discussions in recent months.
TTIP, regulatory cooperation, investor-state dispute settlement, ISDS

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