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Recommended actions and proposed guidelines for climate change adaptation in the Baltic Sea Region


Altvater, S. & Stuke, F. 2013: Baltadapt Action Plan. Recommended actions and proposed guidelines for climate change adaptation in the Baltic Sea Region. Danish Meteorological Institute. Copenhagen.

The Baltadapt Strategy and its accompanying Action Plan on Adaptation to Climate Change in the Baltic Sea Region were launched and presented during the final Baltadapt Conference. The aim of the Baltadapt Strategy is a connected region with informed actors on all levels, where the specific objective of the Action Plan is to strengthen the capacity for adaptation action at all relevant levels and to enhance adaptive capacity in the region. Both documents are available for download.

The aim of the Baltadapt project was to formulate a Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change in the Baltic Sea Region, as well as an accompanying Action Plan with recommended actions and proposed guidelines for climate change adaptation. At the final Baltadapt conference "Adaptation to Climate Change in the Baltic Sea Region", in Riga (Latvia), from 3 to 4 September 2013 the two final outcomes of the project were presented.

The overriding aim of the Baltadapt strategy is a connected region with informed actors on all levels responding to climate change in a way that ensures prosperity, competiveness, as well as clean water, and rich and healthy wildlife.

The overriding goal of the Baltadapt Action Plan - Recommended actions and proposed guidelines for climate change adaptation in the Baltic Sea Region, is to promote the implementation of the Baltic Sea Region Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change and to specify priority activities for the macro-region in the field of adaptation to climate change impacts. Both, the Strategy and the Action Plan have included knowledge of different Baltadapt studies like a vulnerability assessment and a gap-fit analysis. The specific objective of the Action Plan is to strengthen the capacity for adaptation action at all relevant levels and to enhance the adaptive capacity in the region. Adaptive capacity comprises a sound knowledge base, an exchange of information between relevant actors, science and policy, the mainstreaming of climate change adaptation in other policy areas and includes cooperated activities between all actors in the Baltic Sea Region. The Action Plan moreover presents adaption options for the four Baltadapt sectors: Tourism, Infrastructure, Food supply (fisheries and agriculture) and Biodiversity, and opportunities for funding activities within the region The Ecologic Institute was subcontractor of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety and therefore responsible for the development of the Action Plan.

Both documents, Strategy and Action Plan are aiming to prepare the ground for a political endorsement of a Baltic Sea Region Strategy and Action Plan on Adaptation to Climate Change. However, the implementation and sustainability of the Strategy and its Action Plan depend on subsequent political endorsement, which exceeds the mandate of the Baltadapt project.

The Baltadapt Strategy [pdf, 3.72 MB] and the Baltadapt Action Plan [pdf, 3.22 MB] are available for download on the Baltadapt website.

Susanne Altvater, Ass.iur.
Franziska Lehmann
Karsten Dahl (Aarhus University, Denmark)
Sebastian Ebert (UBA, Deutschland)
Inga Krämer (Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde, Germany)
Ieva Bruneniece (Faculty of Geography and Earth Science, University of Latvia, Latvia)
Kestutis Navickas (BEF Lithuania, Litauen)
Riku Varjopuro (SYKE, Finnland)
Lotta Andersson (SMHI, Schweden)
Johan Alberth (CSPR, Linköping University, Schweden)
Andres Kratovitsh (University of Tartu, Estonian Marine Institute, Estland)
Maxi Nachtigall (CBSS, Schweden)
Anja Skjoldborg Hansen (Aarhus University, Dänemark)
Sonja Otto (UBA, Deutschland)
Laila Kule (Faculty of Geography and Earth Science, University of Latvia, Lettland)
Published by
64 pp.
Project ID
Table of contents
Climate change, climate policy, Adaptation, Biodiversity, Agriculture, Tourism, Infrastructure, Fisheries, Action plan
Baltic Sea Region