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Analysis and Legal Advice for 2030 Climate and Energy Governance

| Fotolia © Florian Innocente

Analysis and Legal Advice for 2030 Climate and Energy Governance


As part of ECF’s Governance Cluster, Ecologic Institute analyses adequate planning and reporting approaches for the 2030 energy and climate framework and on options to assess national contributions, address the gap issue and ensure compliance. Ecologic Institute also provides ongoing legal advice in the context of the Effort Sharing Decision revision and strategic guidance within the ECF Governance Cluster.

The year 2016 sees the debate on the overall structure and the governance arrangements of the EU’s future climate and energy policy (now under the overall heading of the Energy Union) enter a new phase. Ecologic Institute joined the ECF’s governance cluster, engaging in this specific new setting with many fellow research institutions with a view to advancing the overall understanding of the options for future EU energy and climate governance and their respective implications. In particular, Ecologic Institute contributes to the exchange with the cluster leadership of ECF including discussing and reflecting on the evolving EU policy agenda as a basis for reflecting on the clusters overall research and direction.

In addition, the project aims at delivering analysis on 1) planning and reporting obligations and further development of concrete proposals to design an effective post-2020 planning and reporting regime. Ecologic Institute takes stock of recent developments in the EU’s debate, analyses the current European Semester as a governance tool and looks at the realities of planning and reporting at the national level. 2) Ecologic Institute analyses the different options to assess Member States contributions as well as the possible consequences if MS contributions are insufficient to meet the overall EU targets or if MS do not fulfill their contributions. 3) Ecologic Institute provides legal advice and analysis in the context of the revision of the Effort Sharing Decision such as on the Commission’s legislative proposal, relevant council conclusions, pertinent resolutions of the EP and, where politically relevant, stakeholder contributions.

Ecologic Institute spreads awareness of key concepts by seeking targeted meetings with relevant decision-makers to taking part in experts workshops and presenting relevant findings and by taking up other opportunities, such as submissions to consultations or similar participatory processes. To facilitate knowledge sharing, Ecologic Institute i.a. prepares short briefing and creates infographics.


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Project ID
Energy Union, planning, reporting, streamlining, European Semester, climate and energy targets, contributions, gap filler, Effort Sharing Decision, legal advise, policy evaluation
Europe, European Member States
policy evaluation, analysis of procedures, analysis of institutions, desk research, targeted interviews