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A Robust Governance System for the EU 2030 Energy and Climate Framework

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A Robust Governance System for the EU 2030 Energy and Climate Framework


To ensure that the EU meets or potentially overachieves its 2030 energy and climate targets and embarks on a decarbonisation trajectory that is consistent its 2050 objective, an effective and robust governance system is of key importance. Given the diversity of interests among EU Member States, there is a need for innovative thinking on how to design effective approaches that can secure consent in the EU policy-making process.

To contribute to this debate, Ecologic Institute develops policy advice on the potential for streamlining existing planning and reporting requirements in the energy and climate policy field while improving their quality and consistency. Moreover, the team is analysing the relationship between the current and likely future reporting requirements under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the EU's internal governance system. Findings will be discussed with stakeholders during two workshops.

With this work, Ecologic Institute contributes to the ECF Governance cluster which has been set up to inform and shape the results of EU decision-making on the 2030 framework and the energy union.


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Katharina Umpfenbach
Project ID
EU, 2030 climate and energy framework, energy union, governance, renewable energies, energy efficiency, effort sharing