
Water in all facets


On the occasion of the Water Berlin 2003 fair, Wenke Hansen presented the results of a study on the application of competition rules to the water sector. She illustrated the potential impacts and concluded with a concentration on the European debate on the competition for concessions.


A German article in the journal wwt (wassertechnik - wasserwirtschaft) reports from the Water Berlin 2003 fair, which hosted some 5.000 participants. The fair covered a wide variety of issues such as structural changes in water management, the European Water Framework Directive, research results in Germany and the U.S. as well as lessons learned from the floods of 2002.

The entire article "Wasser in allen Facetten" can be downloaded here [pdf, 719 KB, German].

Author: Manfred Radloff

Published in: wwt 5 / 2003

Date of publication: May 2003

Pages: 6-7

Language: German

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