Wegbereiter der Nachhaltigkeitsforschung
Ecornet: Netzwerk unabhängiger Forschungsinstitute
- Publication
- Citation
Jahn, Dr. Thomas and R. Andreas Kraemer 2013: “Wegbereiter der Nachhaltigkeitsforschung - Ecornet: Netzwerk unabhängiger Forschungsinstitute”. Ökologisches Wirtschaften, Vol. 2/2013, 24-25.
In an issue focusing on "Transformative Science" of the German-language journal "Ökologisches Wirtschaften", Thomas Jahn of the Institute for Social-Ecological Research (ISOeE) and R. Andreas Kraemer of Ecologic Institute present the Ecological Research Network (Ecornet) and explain the historic, current, and expected future roles of the participating, independent policy-relevant research institutes.
With their specialization on trans-disciplinary sustainability research, the Ecornet institutes serve important functions in the current reformation of the research and science system towards a structure and science culture that contributes more to sustainable development. The institutes are called upon to:
- Strengthen involvement in academic teaching, in cooperation with universities
- Expand the use of participatory research approaches to address societal challenges
- Further develop scientific processes and methods to provide better linkages among society, business, administration, and policy-making
- Develop comprehensive quality criteria on excellence, relevance, and impact of science