
Audit Certificate for Ecologic Institute's Financial Statement 2012 and Tax Privileges for Donations


Ecologic Institute's financial statement 2012 has been audited by Certified Auditors and confirmed without restrictions or objections on 8 May 2013. Each year, Ecologic Institute's annual financial statement is prepared by tax counselors, taking rules and regulations of commercial and corporate law concerning balance sheets and valuation into account. Since 2005, the annual financial statements additionally have been audited by Certified Auditors and confirmed without restrictions or objections. The financial statement 2012 is available online.

The Ecologic Institute states its commitment to not-for-profit objectives and ethical standards. It is officially recognized with tax privileges for our donors and works in the public-interest. A distribution of any surplus or profit is not allowed.

This is confirmed annually, most recently with the notice of exemption [pdf, 32 kB, German] of the tax authorities for corporations I of Berlin, tax number 27/603/50320 from 02 August 2012.

With your donation, we can do what is necessary to protect the environment and our common future in addition to our project work. You also help us to remain independent financially and thus politically. With your support, the Ecologic Institute gains influence as an internationally-minded, competent voice for environment and sustainable development.

Please donate and help us save the planet!

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