Evelyn Lukat
MSc (Environmental Sciences)
BSc (Geoecology, Environmental Sciences)
- Team
Evelyn Lukat is an Associate at Ecologic Institute, working on projects pertaining to water and agriculture. Her particular interest lies in cross-cutting issues such as Integrated Water Resources Management and integrated catchment management. Evelyn Lukat worked on a wide range of topics, from dissemination and stakeholder involvement to policy evaluation and water quality. She is a native German speaker and is fluent in English and Spanish.
Evelyn Lukat was involved in several European research projects under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission (EC). Within the project Making Society an Active Participant in Water Adaptation to Global Change (BeWater), she supported local stakeholders in the Mediterranean region in the development of adaptation plans for the water sector. In the project, Sustainable Subsoil Management (Soil³), she worked to develop a framework for an acceptance analysis. The aim of this analysis is to determine factors responsible for the acceptance or refusal of novel techniques by farms and on a societal level. In several projects she was responsible for knowledge transfer and dissemination of research outcomes to policy makers and practitioners. For the German Environment Agency, she developed and promoted communication strategies to manage the use of veterinary pharmaceuticals in a more environmentally acceptable way. For the University of Applied Sciences in Bremen, she taught students about the work of think tanks and their role in policy making.
Among others, Evelyn Lukat was also involved in the projects Demonstration of Promising Technologies to Address Emerging Pollutants in Water and Waste Water (DEMEAU), Resource Efficiency in Practice - Closing Mineral Cycles, Policy Mix for an updated Adaptation Action Plan, Technical Assistance Facility for upcoming Danube Region Projects and Dissemination and Uptake of FP Water Research Results (WaterDiss2.0).
Before arriving at Ecologic Institute, Evelyn Lukat contributed with her expertise in water and biodiversity to the work of the Water Competence Centre at the headquarters of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, the Earth System Science (ESS CALM) chair group at Wageningen UR, the Dutch office of Climate KIC and GeoTeam GmbH.
Evelyn Lukat received her Master's degree in Environmental Sciences from Wageningen University (Netherlands), conducting her thesis research in the field of Integrated Water Resources Management in cooperation with GIZ and the Bolivian Vice Ministry for Irrigation and Water Resources. For her Bachelor’s degree, she studied Geoecology and Environmental Sciences at the University of Bayreuth (Germany) while simultaneously working at GeoTeam GmbH on intergenerational drinking water conservation.