
This is How We Want to Live - Fortschrittsforum


The Fortschrittsforum (forum for progress) of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) accompanied the work of the parliamentary commission on "growth, wealth, quality of life – ways to a sustainable economy and social progress in the social market economy". Max Grünig, Senior Fellow at the Ecologic Institute, was a member of the third working group of the Fortschrittsforum on economy and growth. The final report "This is How We Want to Live" is available for download.

The parliamentary commission of the German Bundestag 'growth, wealth, quality of life – ways to a sustainable economy and social progress in the social market economy' had the mission to assess the relevance of economic growth within society, to develop a comprehensive indicator for wealth and well-being, as well as exploring possibilities and limits of decoupling economic growth and resource use.

The Fortschrittsforum (forum for progress) was created on the initiative of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung to accompany the commission with critical constructive feedback, lead by Jutta Allmendinger, Angelika Gifford and Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker.

Similar to the commission, the Fortschrittsforum is divided into three groups:

  • group I, education and modernisation (lead: Angelika Gifford)
  • group II, live and work (lead: Jutta Allmendinger)
  • group III, economy and growth (lead: Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker)

Over 100 experts exchanged views on how we want to live in a critical constructive way over a duration of 18 months. Max Grünig, Senior Fellow at Ecologic Institute, was a member of group III economy and growth. Building on the discussion in the group meetings, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung compiled a final report with recommendations which can be downloaded at the Fortschrittsforum's website.

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