
Sustainable Soil Protection in Germany


Aiming at the generation of a concrete concept of sustainable soil protection, the analysis of the current situation of soil protection and the development of options for further actions to be taken in the field of soil protection policy in Germany, this project elaborates a set of criteria and principles for sustainable soil use.

The objective of this study is to develop a precise concept of sustainable soil protection, to analyse the current situation of soil protection and to develop options for further actions to be taken in the field of soil protection policy in Germany. For the purpose of the study, criteria and principles are developed as instruments to concretise a sustainable soil protection. At the same time, both an overview of the legislative, institutional and administrative framework and an assessment of the current state of various types of soil degradation are elaborated. Furthermore, the available instruments, comprising planning, economic instruments, co-operation and information, are analysed with an emphasis upon those instruments which should be utilised in the future. In the next step, the situation of soil protection is discussed on the basis of the principles mentioned above. Finally, policy recommendations are drafted for different target groups.

The German project report can be downloaded here [pdf, 666 KB, German].

Dr. Darla N. Nickel
Keya Choudhury
Sandra Hollerbuhl
Project ID
Sustainable Soil Protection, Concept, Criteria, Principles, Instruments, Institutions, Soil Use, Capacity of Soil Functions, Soil Protection Policy, Policy Recommendations, Soil Protection Law

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