EU Member States are facing the most severe financial and economic crisis in recent decades. With soaring energy prices, an often outdated energy infrastructure and ever increasing global greenhouse gas emission, Europe faces other significant problems. These challenges are intertwined in many ways.
The aim of the conference is to discuss how countries can address these challenges in a manner that is mutually reinforcing. The conference will focus on practical business experiences and the implications of relevant EU policy frameworks. Businesses will present concrete, applied solutions to the challenges of greening their operations as well as discuss the actions needed from governments in order to bring about a low-carbon transition.
The conference brings together between 70 and 100 participants from politics, business, non-governmental organizations, research institutes, and think tanks in Poland, Germany, and other EU countries. Speakers include experts representing model business cases and a wide range of institutions from Poland, Germany and the European level. Ecologic and partners organized a simliar event in Hungary on 30 and 31 January 2012.