
New York Times And International Herald Tribune: Word Choice Matters for Energy Policy


In this article, Kate Galbraith analyzes the use of different terms for renewable energy in the US and the ideologies behind the language used. R. Andreas Kraemer of Ecologic Institute provides commentary from a German and European perspective.

The article is available online.

Keywords: Energy, US domestic policy, language ideology, NYT, NYTimes, IHT

Citation: Galbraith, Kate (2011): Word Choice Matters for Energy Policy, in: New York Times, and International Herald Tribune, 10 July 2011, URL:

Author: Kate Galbraith

Year: 2011

Published in: New York Times, International Herald Tribune

Language: English

Publisher: New York Times

Place (of publisher): New York, NY, USA

Reference type: online, newspaper article

Date: 10 July 2011



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