
ZDF German TV: Documentation on Nuclear Power in Germany after Fukushima in Japan: The Risks We Repressed


What are the consequences of the tragedy of Fukushima in Japan for the future of nuclear power in Germany? Barely a week after the onset of the catastrophe and in the context of a TV Talk Show hosted by Maybrit Illner, the German ZDF TV network aired an updated and abridged documentary of 30 minutes produced by Ulrike Brödermann and Michael Strompen on the history, economics, politics and lobbying for nuclear power in Germany, featuring several statements by R. Andreas Kraemer of Ecologic Institute (in German only).

See the background and links to the original full-length documentary "Presumed Dead but Still Kicking"

The statements by R. Andreas Kraemer shown in the ZDF documentary are based on the Workshop Summary and Conclusions: A Transatlantic Agenda for Global Nuclear Governance.

For more information see the web site of the ZDF German television.

The updated and abridge documentary was first shown on 18 March 2011, 00:35 hours, and has since been repeated on ZDF and Phoenix. The video file (31 min) can be viewed and downloaded in various formats:

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