In a seminal online article in Internationale Politik, Germany's leading foreign policy magazine, Sascha Müller-Kraenner, Senior Policy Advisor of Ecologic Institute, and Martin Kremer address the newly appointed German Minister of Foreign Affairs with six recommendations for the development of an active climate foreign policy (in German).
Climate policy is more than negotiating are fair agreement. It provides a framework for modernising economies and will determine in large measure Germany's relations with emerging economies. How can the German Foreign Minister develop well-focused initiatives in this domain?
In response to these questions, Sascha Müller-Kraenner und Martin Kremer give six recommendations:
- Participation in the Foreign Ministers' format for European and global climate policy;
- Deepening and widening of the Transatlantic Climate Bridge;
- Structured Dialogues with "Key States of the Second Order"
- Climate policy as an integral part of crisis prevention;
- Export promotion of "green" technologies;
- Creation of the office of "Special Ambassador for Climate Diplomacy".
An English translation [pdf, 80 KB, English] of the original German article is available from this website.