
Impact of Bioenergy Production on Water Quality and Water Resources


The project compiles available scientific information on the likely impact of bioenergy production on water quality and water resources. The results of this project were presented in a background paper entiteled "WFD and Bioenergy production at the EU Level - A review of the possible impact of biomass production from agriculture on water" for the European conference "Water Framework Directive and Agriculture" in Paris, 21-22 September 2007.

The background paper gives a brief introduction to agricultural and bioenergy policy in the EU, followed by an introduction on European bioenergy production, key pathways, crop characteristics and production outlook. The main section analyses potential effects of agricultural bioenergy production on water resources and identifies links and synergies between WFD measures and bioenergy production.

The report was prepared in cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde under the lead of Ecologic. The project is part of the framework contract Agri-environmental analysis.

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Thomas Dworak
Stephanie Wunder
Cornelius Laaser
Project ID
Biomass, bioenergy, biofuels, bioenergy crops, water, Europe, WFD, Water Framework Directive, CAP, Common Agricultural Policy, Nitrate, Water management, agriculture, EEA

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