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Dominic Marcellino

Dominic Marcellino

Senior Policy Advisor

Dominic Marcellino is Senior Policy Advisor of Ecologic Institute US. As Executive Vice President he was responsible for institutional development and the establishment of strategic partnerships and research collaboration. Dominic's research focuses primarily on energy policy and energy system transitions (including hydraulic fracturing, energy efficiency, renewable energy, and the German Energiewende), as well as climate change policy in Europe and the USA. He also has a special interest in urban development and transportation policy. He is a native English speaker and also works fluently in German.

Together with colleagues from the Atlantic Council's Young Atlanticist Program, Dominic founded and developed the Emerging Leaders in Energy and Environmental Policy Network (ELEEP) for Ecologic Institute. ELEEP is a platform for future American and European decision makers in environmental policy to identify policy best practices, engage in the transatlantic dissemination of ideas, and foster transatlantic collaboration. Working with ELEEP Members, Dominic and colleagues helped launch the Arctic Climate Change Emerging Leaders (ACCEL) Fellowship. He regularly leads transatlantic study tours and exchanges for American and European policymakers and stakeholders on pressing energy and environmental issues, particularly energy transitions, seeking to build communities of influence to promote sustainable energy systems. Dominic is also the Managing Editor of the Renewable Energy Law and Policy Review published quarterly by Lexxion Publishers.

In 2008-09, Dominic Marcellino spent eleven months living and working in Germany as a Robert Bosch Fellow. As part of his Fellowship, he spent four months working at the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU). During his time at the Ministry, Dominic's work focused on Germany's and the EU's preparations for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) negotiations in Copenhagen (Denmark).

Prior to joining Ecologic Institute, Dominic worked from 2004 to 2008 in Washington, DC as a Research Associate and Policy Analyst for the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF)—one of the leading non-profit environmental advocacy organizations in the USA. While there, Dominic focused on the political and economic aspects of international and US climate change policy and emissions trading systems.

After graduating summa cum laude from the University of Dayton (Ohio, USA) in 2002 with a degree in philosophy and a minor in economics, Dominic studied environmental ethics at the University of Augsburg on a Fulbright Scholarship from 2002-2004.

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