
European Engagement on Invasive Species for the 9th Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity


At COP-9 of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) which took place in Bonn, 19-30 May 2008, countries conducted an in depth review of national efforts to address the threat of invasive alien species under the Convention. In preparation for these discussions, The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and the Global Invasive Species Program (GISP) sought to engage countries willing to promote actions and efforts against invasive alien species, specifically by making national or regional commitments. In Europe TNC worked through Ecologic to engage with European governments, NGOs and other institutions on this issue.

Invasive Alien Species (IAS) are recognised as one of the greatest biological threats to the environment: their harmful impact on biodiversity is considered second only to that caused by habitat loss. The CBD has adopted numerous decisions related to the prevention and control of invasive alien species, which require implementation by Parties and which were reviewed by the COP-9 in May 2008 in Bonn.

Against this background Ecologic was contracted by TNC to engage with European governments and other relevant organizations on the issue of invasive alien species, particularly to approach European governments to identify their willingness to make national commitments at the CBD COP-9. Further objectives included dissemination of information produced by TNC and GISP regarding the COP-9 deliberations and related global efforts to generate national action and on the ground support at COP-9.

Ecologic successfully worked with Croatian and UK government officials to develop national commitments to combat invasive alien species, which were formally presented at the COP-9 in Bonn.

Stephanie Wunder
Dr. Ingo Bräuer
Project ID
Invasive alien species, Convention on Biological Diversity, COP-9 CBD, Biodiversity, TNC, GISP,
Europe, Poland, Croatia, United Kingdom, Sweden, Spain

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