
Tisza River Basin Analysis Report


A Tisza River Basin Analysis Report was developed by the Tisza Expert Group of the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube. The Report is an important step for the preparation of a river basin management plan under the EU Water Framework Directive. Ecologic was commissioned to assist the Tisza Expert Group with the development of three chapters on the identification of artificial and heavily modified water bodies, on the assessment of risk of failure to reach the WFD environmental objectives for surface water bodies and on the characterisation of groundwater bodies.

The chapters were written on the basis of the evaluation of data templates filled in by the five Tisza countries of Ukraine, Slovak Republic, Hungary, Romania and Serbia. Besides the evaluation and overview presentation of data on the status of water bodies, the development of the chapters allowed for increased co-ordination among the countries sharing the Tisza, the largest tributary of the River Danube. It also permitted a further refinement of the Tisza information presented in the 2004 Danube Basin Analysis Roof Report.

The final Tisza River Basin Analysis Report 2007 [pdf, 1.22 MB, English] is available for download.

Thomas Dworak
Nadine Herbke
Jessica Ward
Project ID
Water, Water Framework Directive, WFD, River Basin, Danube River Basin, international river basins, Tisza, Danube

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