How Will Nature Restoration Help Fulfil EU Environmental Policy Objectives?


Aubert, Gabrielle; Rebecca Noebel 2022: How will nature restoration help fulfil EU environmental policy objectives? IEEP, Ecologic Institute: Brussels, Berlin.

The EU Commission published its proposal for a new Nature Restoration Regulation in June 2022. In this context, IEEP and Ecologic Institute – as part of the Think Sustainable Europe network – published a series of thematic policy briefs to inform Members of the European Parliament and other policy-makers about a variety of topics relating to nature restoration.

This policy brief targeted two main issues: 1) how the new nature restoration law would be beneficial to other existing EU policy objectives, and 2) which specific benefits would derive from the submission of the required National Restoration Plans (NRPs). As such, the law will – through the implementation of restoration measures – accelerate the pace of implementation of other EU laws and policies for air, climate, water, and marine. In their National Restoration Plans (NRPs), Member States will showcase how they are planning to deliver on the targets, and how they will monitor and report on their progress.

Rebecca Noebel
Gabrielle Aubert (IEEP)
Published by
5 pp.
restoration, EU, policy sectors, National Restoration Plans

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