Alternativen zu chemisch-synthetischen Pestiziden in der Landwirtschaft
Zusammenfassung und Überblick zum aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Stand
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Scheid, Aaron; May Hobeika; Antonia Riedel 2022: Alternativen zu chemisch-synthetischen Pestiziden in der Landwirtschaft. Zusammenfassung und Überblick zum aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Stand. Berlin: Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland e.V. (BUND)
What are the alternatives to the use of fungicides, herbicides and insecticides? What potential do they have, and what are the preconditions for their use? Which farming measures minimize weed and parasite infestations? What can be used to attract beneficial insects? How can the use of chemical synthetic pesticide be reduced in permanent crops such as orchards and vineyards? Which elements from organic farming can be transferred to conventional farming?
The authors of the Ecologic Institute provide answers to these and other questions. The study for BUND provides scientific input for the discussion on more environmentally friendly crop protection in the future. It provides an overview of the potentials and barriers associated with alternatives to synthetic chemical pesticides, as well as approaches on the implementation of integrated pest management that have so far been given too little consideration. The study is available for download.