Handbuch der EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie
- Publication
- Citation
Rumm, Peter, Stephan von Keitz, und Michael Schmalholz (Hrsg.) 2006: Handbuch der EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie, Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag.
This policy handbook for the EU-Water Framework Directive (WFD) has been published as a 2nd, fully updated edition in 2006. It comprises 9 chapters from 37 authors – five of them members of the Ecologic Team. The handbook covers all steps of the WFD implementation, with topics ranging from the analysis of pressures and impacts to the selection of measures, and from the integration of nature conservation requirements to the designation of heavily modified water bodies. It aims to provide hands-on guidance on all aspects of the WFD’s implementation in Germany for policymakers, academic scholars and civil society actors.
Ecologic Team members were involved in writing the following chapters of the handbook:
- 1.3 Neuausrichtung der Verwaltung auf die WRRL (Peter Kessler)
- 4.4 Verbesserung der Gewässerstrukturen und des Hochwasserschutzes (Stephan von Keitz und R. Andreas Kraemer)
- 4.6 Kurz- und langfristige Handlungsoptionen bedeutsamer Akteure (Stephan von Keitz und R. Andreas Kraemer)
- 5.2 Ökonomische Aspekte der WRRL (Eduard Interwies, Britta Pielen, Benjamin Görlach, R. Andreas Kraemer)