
Public Participation in Integrated Dniester River Basin Management


In January 2006, Ilya Trombitsky and Tatiana Sinaeva of Eco-TIRAS, Moldova visited German representatives of administrations and environmental NGO’s active in water management. Public participation was the main focus of several visits to various German water management institutions, organised by Ecologic. Particular emphasis was placed on the networking of environmental organisations. Ecologic supports the Moldavian NGO Eco-Tiras in developing a strategy for public participation in the transboundary river basin management of the Dniester Basin. The Dniester is an international river basin with Moldova, including the Transnistrien region, and Ukraine as riparian states; it flows into the Black Sea. Eco-Tiras is the umbrella association of environmental NGOs involved in river basin management of the Dniester.

The bilateral exchange of experience between Eco-Tiras and Ecologic is based on a three-step process with the aim of developing an effective strategy for public participation in the Dniester Basin. The visit to Germany is the first step.


At the Elbe - Tatiana Siniaeva (Eco-TIRAS), Iris Brunar (BUND) und Antje Vorwerk (Ecologic)

As a follow-up of the visit to Germany a stakeholder workshop will be held in Moldova in May 2006. The workshop is targeted at environmental NGOs, the interested public, as well as governmental representatives. Its contents are planned as follows: the WFD's objectives for transboundary river basin management, institutional features and differences in European river basins; principles of public participation and of its implementation. A brochure will be published with the outcome of the workshop which will also contain the future strategy for public participation in the Dniester Basin.

Eduard Interwies
Thomas Dworak
Dr. Nicole Kranz
Antje Vorwerk
Project ID
Water, Public participation, establishing NGO networks, Moldova, enlargement of the European Union, transboundary river basin management
Europe, Germany, Eastern Europe, Moldova, Ukraine, Transnistria, Dniester, Black Sea

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