
How does climate protection enhance economic development?


Ecologic organized a two-day international conference on future EU climate change policy in Warsaw. The Polish Minister of Environment, Prof. Jan Szyszko, opened the Conference, which was attended by about 90 high level representatives from 14 countries and the European Commission. The conference was the first in a series of events sponsored by the European Commission, intended to promote stakeholder and policymaker dialogue on these very important issues within New Member States, Accession Countries and Candidate Countries.

Participants discussed both opportunities and challenges presented by future EU Climate Change Policy for EU New Member States, Accession Countries and Candidate Countries. The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions offers a range of opportunities to enhance economic development – particularly in a world of increasing energy prices, and increasing energy supply and energy security challenges. The benefits of decreased fossil-fuel dependency and greater energy efficiency include: 

  • fuel cost savings; 
  • decreased exposure to volatile fossil fuel prices; 
  • health-related benefits from cleaner energy production and fewer emissions; and 
  • new employment opportunities in a range of sectors. 

Here you can download the full text of the press release [pdf, 114 KB, English].

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