
On the Road to Sustainable Production in the Enlarged EU


Participants at this conference discussed the achievements of Europe's keystone industrial pollution law, the IPPC directive, and began to grapple with the challenges ahead. Participants reported that they were very happy with the directive, almost ten years after its entry into force. Commission representatives, however, stressed that Member States must improve their implementation of the directive ahead of the key 2007 deadline. The conference took place in Dresden, Germany on 20 - 22 September 2005. It was organised by Ecologic on behalf of the European Commission, DG-Environment with support from the German Federal Environmental Agency, the Saxonian State Ministry for Environment and Agriculture and the Hungarian Ministry of Environment and Water.

Further Links:

  • Article in Environment Daily 1948, 26/09/05: Experts assess EU industrial pollution law [pdf, 49 KB, English]
  • Joint press release 055/2005 of the European Commission – DG Environment, the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Protection an Nuclear Safety (BMU) and the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA): Auf dem Weg zur nachhaltigen Produktion in der erweiterten EU [German]
  • Event‘s website: On the Road to Sustainable Production in the Enlarged EU - Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) (incl. programme, presentations, list of participanst etc.)

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