Strategien europäischer Umweltverbände zur Interessendurchsetzung
- Publication
- Citation
Meyer-Ohlendorf, Nils 2004: "Strategien europäischer Umweltverbände zur Interessendurchsetzung", in: Carola Ensslen; Doris König and W. Rainer Walz (eds.): Interessenvertretung durch NGOs auf EU-Ebene. Beiträge zum Symposium am 11. Juni 2004 an der Bucerius Law School, Hamburg. Hamburg: mauke schweitzer. Gruppe, 97-102.
Dr. Nils Meyer-Ohlendorf focuses in his contributing article on the influence of European environmental interest groups on European environmental Policy.
The article served as a contribution for the symposium "Representation of Interests by NGOs at European Level" at the Bucerius Law School, Hamburg. Dr. Nils Meyer-Ohlendorf analyses the institutional structures of European environmental NGOs and illustrates their success and deficits in influencing European environmental Policy. Therein, he focuses on the Green G8, an umbrella association of European environmental NGOs and the European Environmental Bureau (EEB).
Despite some successes, the article is cautious in its conclusions, identifying the constraints and impediments these groups face due to limited resources and the complexity of European environmental Policy.