
Ecologic hosts Constituent Board Assembly of Two New Ethical Investment Funds


After the success of the award-winning OekoVision investment fund focusing in small and mid-sized businesses. OekoWorld Lux SA has launched two new mutual investment funds, OekoTrend Bonds and OekoTrend Stocks Europe.  Ecologic hosted the constituent meeting of the investment advisory board, which is co-chaired by R. Andreas Kraemer. This sets and applies selection and weighting criteria and supervises their application.

OekoTrend signifies an innovative investment concept of the OekoWorld Lux SA investment house, known through the OekoVision mutual investment funds.  OekoTrend combines sustainability with an optimised profile of opportunities and risks. OekoTrend Stocks Europe invests exclusively in European blue-chip stocks in the DJ Euro STOXX 50 Index®, OekoTrend Bonds focuses on first-class government bonds in the REX 10P Index®. In both cases, investments are selected and weighted according to ethical and ecological criteria.

OekoTrend Stocks Europe

OekoTrend Stocks Europe is a mutual fund or investment trust investing exclusively in European blue-chip shares.  The companies in the Dow Jones Euro STOXX 50 Index® constitute the investment universe.

Companies with a high degree of ecological and social corporate responsibility are given priority and weighted higher. The independent OekoTrend Investment Advisory Board determines the level of each company on the sustainability scale, and its priority and weighting. In order to achieve the highest growth in asset values, OekoTrend Stocks Europe uses futures contracts and stock options as insurance at time of falling stock markets. During period of rising share prices, this insurance is reduced and a high investment ratio means that investors in the fund profit from bull markets. 

OekoTrend Bonds

OekoTrend Bonds is a mutual fund or investment trust investing exclusively in interest-bearing government bonds.  Only bonds from states with a recognised first-class rating of "AA" or better are considered.

States with particular achievements in public policies responding to social, environmental and ethical challenges are given priority. The independent OekoTrend Investment Advisory Board determines the level of each state on the sustainability scale, and its selection, priority and weighting.

In order to achieve the highest possible and steady return on investment, OekoTrend Bonds invests primarily in long Euro bonds.  At time of rising interest rates, the fund is insured; at times of rising markets the insurance.


The OekoVision mutual fund or investment trust invests primarily in small and mid-sized companies that are ecological and ethical leaders in their sectors and regions, and that have the highest prospects for growth and profitability.  OekoVision's asset management is A-rated by Standard & Poor and has received a prestigious Lipper Award.  OekoVision is marketed primarily in the German speaking regions of Europe.

Profitable investments are made in quoted companies which produce or trade in environmentally friendly technologies, durable consumer goods, or foods and other produce from certified organic agriculture, or that produce and use renewable energies.  Businesses are also eligible if the show a strong commitment to social causes or promote Fair Trade and consumer protection.

OekoVision does not make investments in companies involved in atomic power, military defence or chlorine chemistry, or that allow animal testing, use discriminating practices against people or a active in countries in which human rights are violated.  The application of selection criteria is supervised by the independent OekoVision Investment Advisory Board. 

ethical investment, green investment finance, sustainable asset management, corporate social responsibility, global reporting, sustainable production and consumption, leadership in business, sustainable development policies, green finance, consumer policy

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