Leitfaden zur Kosten-Nutzen-Abschätzung umweltrelevanter Effekte in der Gesetzesfolgenabschätzung
- Publication
- Citation
Porsch, Lucas et al. 2014: Leitfaden zur Kosten-Nutzen-Abschätzung umweltrelevanter Effekte in der Gesetzesfolgenabschätzung. Ecologic Institut, INFRAS, IER Universität Stuttgart, Dessau-Roßlau, commissioned. ISSN: 1862-4804
Impacts of environmental policy often only occur in the long term and there is no market price to value them. How can costs and benefits of these measures be evaluated and compared anyway? This working guide provides support for legislation impact assessment and supports the quantification of the impacts of environmental policies on environment and economy. The guide is available for download.
The guidance covers two areas of impacts that are especially relevant for an impact assessment of environmental policy:
- environmental damages saved by environmental policies (e.g. toxic emissions, noise emissions, greenhouse gas emissions)
- impacts on the total economy (e.g. social security payments, goods and service taxes, remunerations)
The guide is available for download [pdf, 850 KB, German].