How can energy cooperatives contribute to energy transition in rural areas? In this study, Timo Kaphengst and Eike Velten examine the role of energy cooperatives for Sustainable Development, analyzing a case study in Northern Bavaria. The report is available for download.
Knowledge Interest: The Role of Energy Cooperatives
These are the three main topics of the study:
- the embedding of energy cooperatives in rural areas and their meaning for rural development and sustainable energy production
- governance structures as well as strengths and weaknesses of energy cooperatives
- the motivation of the persons involved, regarding their engagement for sustainable energy supply
Theoretical Background: The Transition Management Concept
The study is based on the Transition Management Concept which assumes that long-term and complex societal transition can also be steered by political measures. Additionally, other approaches like practice theory and the diffusion of innovation theory have been included.
Methodical Approach: The Case Study in Bavaria
Besides a literature analysis, a survey and expert interviews, an empirical case study has been carried out in Rhön-Grabfeld in Northern Bavary where there are several energy cooperatives. The results were compared and complemented by other case studies in Denmark and Spain.
The study is available for Download [pdf, 3.4 MB, English].