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RhineNet – Participatory Management of the Rhine River Basin

RhineNet – Participatory Management of the Rhine River Basin

RhineNet – Participatory Management of the Rhine River Basin


RhineNet aimed at promoting public participation within the implementation of the Water Framework Directive in the Rhine river basin through the co-operation of various institutions and organisations. The project's final conference was held on 15 and 16 November 2006 in Luxembourg.

The conference presented the project's results, provide for experience exchange with other projects dealing with public participation and water management, present and further develop a vision for future co-operation among RhineNet members, and provide a platform for discussion of future approaches within the Rhine Net.

RhineNet's objective was to promote sustainable water management through the involvement of relevant stakeholders and local citizens in the respective decision-making processes. This was achieved on the one hand through: 

  • information,
  • education,
  • sensitisation of the public,

and on the other hand, through:

  • implementation of case studies,
  • consultation of stakeholders.

Special emphasis was placed on an extensive network of stakeholders in the Rhine river basin. Furthermore, the dissemination of project results is ensuring that knowledge gained in the project will find application beyond the scope of the case studies throughout the entire Rhine river basin.

In December 2002 Ecologic organised a comprehensive information session for the Main river basin. Based on this workshop, Ecologic provided guidance to the RhineNet project partners in organising similar information events in other Rhine sub-basins.

On the occasion of the first information session on public participation in Luxembourg, organised by RhineNet partner organisation Hellef fir d'Natur on 18 March 2004, Nicole Kranz presented an overview of the current approaches to public participation in the Rhine river basin. About 150 representatives of the interested public attended this event held at the Research Centre Henri Tudor in Luxembourg.

Based on these sessions, Ecologic prepared a report on public participation in water management in the Rhine river basin.

Ecologic contributed to the project its expertise in developing and organising participatory measures and stakeholder events.

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Wenke Schönfelder
Dr. Nicole Kranz
Martin Obermaier
Antje Vorwerk
Project ID
Water Framework Directiv, WFD, public participation, Rhine, transboundary cooperation, Interreg IIIB
Rhine Basin, Europe, Germany, Luxembourg