
Ecologic joins the UN initiative Global Compact


Ecologic will contribute with its projects and research to mainstream the Global Compact principles in business activities around the world and strengthen its existing support of UN goals. At the same time, Ecologic critically evaluates the Global Compact initiative and analyses its impact on environmental policy and sustainable development.

The Global Compact Initiative of the United Nations' Secretary General Kofi A. Annan, brings together UN agencies, companies, labour and civil society. Ecologic joined the United Nation's Global Compact to support its nine principles in the areas of human rights, labour and the environment.

The Global Compact seeks to mainstream its principles in business activities around the world and to catalyse actions in support of UN goals. To achieve these objectives, the Global Compact offers facilitation and engagement through policy dialogues, learning, local structures and projects.

Acknowledging also the limits of the Global Compact, Ecologic aims to critically evaluate the Global Compact process, analyse its impacts on environmental policy and sustainable development, and make proposals for strengthening the Global Compact through amendments and additions.


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