
Risiko Mobilfunk

Wissenschaftlicher Diskurs, öffentliche Debatte und politische Rahmenbedingungen


Revermann, Christoph 2003: Risiko Mobilfunk. Wissenschaftlicher Diskurs, öffentliche Debatte und politische Rahmenbedingungen. [Studien des Büros für Technikfolgen-Abschätzung beim Deutschen Bundestag 15]. Berlin: edition sigma.

The book "Risks of Mobile Telecommunication" was published in the series "Studies of the Office for Technology Assessment at the German Parliament". Substantial parts of the book are based on a study conducted by Ecologic. The publication presents an analysis of the scientific and public discourse on the health risks of mobile phones and transmitters. Furthermore, the book gives an overview of the regulatory framework conditions of mobile telecommunication.

The discussion about the potential health effects of high frequency electromagnetic fields (EMF) has accompanied the extension of the digital mobile communications network since the beginning of the nineties. However, since the auction of the UMTS licences and the launch of the third mobile phone generation, the discussion has become more emotional and intensive. Taking into consideration these facts and the open public protests the decision makers in politics, the mobile phone industry and regulation authorities are searching for new ways to achieve a constructive management of the potential risks of mobile telecommunication in the debate about the electromagnetic compatibility with regard to the environment (EMCE)

Policy makers feel obliged to respond to the serious concerns of the population about this discussion and to influence the dialogue in a proactive way. The "Ausschuss für Bildung, Forschung und Technikfolgenabschätzung" of the 14. German Bundestag in autumn 2001 proposed an analysis of the issue of "EMCE of mobile phones and transmitters" by the Office for Technology Assessment at the German Parliament (TAB). The project developed by TAB, which was carried out in part by Ecologic, discusses the structure of the scientific discourse and gives an overview of the current regulatory framework and possible new options. The book "Risk of Mobile Telecommunication" summarises the most important project results.

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Christoph Revermann
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199 pp.
Project ID
mobile phones, limit value, comparative analysis, scientific discourse, public discourse, Ingmar von Homeyer, Peter Maxson, Maic Verbuecheln
Germany, Europe

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